
一些6,500个单位在美国,每天需要输血需要血浆 - 这是一种巨大需求的生物液。而且,如果您过去捐赠了血液,那么捐赠血浆的过程并没有太大不同。



首先,关于捐赠等离子体如何影响胎儿不断增长的研究并不多。一些sources suggest捐赠血浆(或血液)可以使您面临更高的风险anemia


During pregnancy, blood cells from the baby — which contain different genetic information from your own — mix with your blood through the placenta. As a result, your body releases a protein called human leukocyteantigens(HLA). These antigens help suppress your immune system enough to allow the presence of “foreign” material in your body.



  • they were recently pregnant
  • they are currently pregnant
  • 由于某些其他原因,他们的血液中HLA抗体的阳性测试

如果您曾经怀孕过,许多捐赠中心将需要HLA测试 - 无论您怀孕以来已经有多长时间了。

Is HLA harmful to me?


Having HLA antibodies does not mean you or your baby are sick. It does not mean you or your baby will get sick, either. It’s simply part of how the body responds to pregnancy.

In other words: If your body is the body making the antibodies, you cannot be harmed by them.


All plasma donation centers are different and may have different guidelines for donation. So, be sure to check with the one near you with questions over eligibility, as you may not see this situation detailed on their website.

但是,那 世界卫生组织(WHO) advises against donation while you’re still nursing.

This is because donating plasma may affect breastfeeding. It can引起某些副作用, 喜欢lowering the levels of electrolytes in your body and脱水。这些问题可能会影响您的牛奶供应。

Be sure to consult with your doctor about whether you should donate, how often you can safely donate, and the best way to hydrate and restore electrolytes after donation.


WHO advises waiting at least 9 months after giving birth to donate blood or plasma.

Again, all donation centers are different, but you must also be in generally good health and meet other eligibility requirements that may include:

  • 在18至75岁之间
  • weighing more than 110 pounds
  • having no tattoos or piercings in the last 6 months

如果您流产或怀孕终止(某些捐赠中心以前指定12周), you may be eligible to donate after just6周。And some centers may accept plasma donations after full-term pregnancies sooner as well.


怀孕后-nursing or not — you will be screened for HLA antibodies before donation to ensure that your plasma is safe for use.

If donating plasma isn’t currently an option, there are other ways you can help your community through the donation of other biological materials.


分娩后,您的医生通常在处置胎盘和脐带之前对其进行测试。如果要求,可以收集这些构想产品中的血液(脐带血),并捐赠用于治疗超过70 conditions, 喜欢leukemia,,,,lymphoma,,,,and镰状细胞性贫血症

Unlike storage at family and private cord blood banks, there is no cost to donate blood to public banks. More information about脐带血捐赠can be found at成为比赛


有些人选择donate their excess breast milk给捐助银行。牛奶用于医院环境中的婴儿或有需要的门诊家庭。例如,早产婴儿可能只喝1盎司每次喂养,但捐赠牛奶可能会降低健康问题的风险necrotizing enterocolitis

北美人牛奶银行协会explains that donor milk is collected from qualifying donors, screened, pooled, and then pasteurized so it is safe for use. Milk banks take care of the costs of screening donors and shipping milk.

Contact a你附近的牛奶库有关成为捐助者的更多信息。

While you cannot donate plasma during pregnancy or soon after, there are other ways you can help your community through donation. Be sure to get the green light to donate plasma once your blood is free from HLA antibodies, which is usually within the year after you deliver your baby.

你当地的等离子体是你最好的res捐赠中心ource for eligibility requirements. And if you have further questions about the safety of plasma donation, contact your doctor.