Being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) is hard enough, but learning a whole new vocabulary to understand it can be even more overwhelming. Don’t worry: We’re here to help you decode some of the lingo.

下面是人们使用的单词列表to define their小姐symptoms. Read on to get a better grasp on informal小姐术语。

疲劳是MS最常见和最突出的症状之一。根据国家多发性硬化社会,它会影响about 80 percentof people with MS.

For many people,视力问题arethe first signs of MS.

Inflammation of the optic nerve (光学神经炎) can cause blurred vision, eye pain, and blind spots. Colors may appear dimmer than normal. Other common eye problems include double vision and involuntary eye movement (nystagmus).

小姐can make it difficult to:

  • remember things
  • 注意或集中注意力
  • 处理信息
  • 找到流利的话语

According to a 2018 study,cognitive problems影响任何地方从40%到70%of those with MS.

如果你有brain fog,你的想法是多云的,你无法清楚地想。一切都似乎是超现实和模糊的。

Brain fog is also called:

  • 小姐brain
  • COG雾
  • cotton brain
脑子的涂鸦特写镜头,与术语有关在整个涂鸦的多发性硬化 Share on Pinterest
Illustration by Wenzdai Figueroa

言语不清is often caused by the loss of coordination of the tongue, lip, cheek, and mouth muscles. Along with slurred speech, people with MS may also have trouble swallowing.

If you’re loopy, you’re feeling tired and as if you were drunk.

If you feel as if your legs aren’t working correctly, as if you were drunk, then you have jelly legs, Jell-O legs, or noodle legs.

People who experience this sensation may also describe themselves as tipsy.

This term describes weaving from side to side as you walk.

When you have MS, your legs sometimes become wobbly, weak, and tired. You may lose control of them, causing you to “bounce” from one side of the hallway to another, like a pinball in a pinball machine.

This term refers to stiffness in the legs.


Chronic or acute painis now considered a major MS symptom. Shooting pains are usually acute, meaning they come on suddenly and intensely and then disappear.

Lhermitte’s signis a type of shooting pain that originates in the back of the neck and often “shoots” down the spine and sometimes out to the legs and arms. Many people describe the sensation as an electric shock.


The term小姐hugdescribes a constricting pressure around the chest or waist area.


MS HOW也被称为:

  • MS腰带
  • banding



  • 屈肌。This affects the back of the leg (hamstrings) and the upper thigh (hip flexors).
  • Extensor.This affects the front of the upper thigh (quadriceps) and inside of the upper leg (abductors).

People with spasticity may describe themselves as spazzy.

If you’re twitchy, you experience twitching from spasticity.

因为MS影响了central nervous system (CNS),“别针和针头”的整体感觉非常常见。肢体通常感觉到这种感觉。