

但是,通过练习,我意识到我们许多人 - 包括在边缘化的身体中的人 - 已经有一种练习来汲取。每天,我们直观地发现自己从事自我安抚,以模仿一个好瑜伽或忠诚的做法会教我们。

The groundwork is there because our bodies already hold that wisdom. The question is how we weave that more intentionally into our lives.


授权自己并访问自己的练习一直是一个神圣的应对工具 - 我知道所有机构都应该提供能够获得的权利。这只是一个非常简单的问题,在我们在哪里见到自己。

Many times, accessing yoga for me can be as basic as breathing deeply during a moment of stress, or placing a hand on my heart when feeling anxious. Other times, it’s simply observing my own discomfort and my physical boundaries.




Understanding this edge more deeply actually represents a coping tool for me, as it will allow me to better navigate the stress and anxiety that often arise in association with my experience of chronic pain.

For example, I could allow myself to sit in the discomfort of my legs shaking and being tired as I was using them to balance, but I found a boundary of how much of that exertion I felt I could physically handle.



通过这种方式,瑜伽可以是一个非凡的意识s tool — so long as it’s taught in an accessible way.





Like many “wellness practices,” it’s been co-opted in deeply problematic ways. So, in order to really use it as an authentic resource, it’s also important to honor its history and roots, and develop your own relationship with it and understanding of what it can mean for you.

Practicing asana (the “physical” aspect of yoga we most often think of) doesn’t mean you’ll magically become wise, but it can mean that you’re willing to authentically meet yourself in the present moment — which is a kind of wisdom in itself!


My ultimate invitation to anyone not already currently tangled in a pretzel, contemplating the meaning of life: Explore, create, and stay curious!

Rachel Otis是一位体细胞治疗师,Queer交叉女性主义者,身体活动家,克罗恩疾病幸存者,以及毕业于旧金山加州内部研究所的作家,并在咨询心理学硕士学位。Rachel认为提供了一个继续改变社会范式的机会,同时在所有荣耀中庆祝身体。会话可在滑块和远程疗法上提供。到她的通道Instagram.