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专家表示,即使是来自Covid-19疫苗的罕见心脏炎症般的疫苗苍白与损伤相比,实际疾病会导致造成的损伤。Morsa图像/ Getty Images
  • Experts say that the mild and rare side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are nowhere near as serious as the potential damage the disease itself can cause.
  • They say that the long-term consequences of COVID-19 can include increased risk of stroke, lung damage, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.
  • They add that there have been reports of rare cases of Bell’s palsy developing from COVID-19 vaccines but that the rate appears to be lower than that of the general population.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit ourcoronavirus huband follow ourLive更新页面对于关于Covid-19大流行的最新信息。

Which would you rather have: muscle fatigue or permanent lung damage?


Would you rather have moderate pain in your upper arm for a few days or increase the possibility of developing Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease?

These are just a few examples of the stark contrast between the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines and developing the disease itself.

While the vaccines’ side effects are mild and short, the damage caused by COVID-19 can be long lasting and even fatal.

As of this week, more than330 million dosesCovid-19疫苗在美国进行了管理,这里近15800万人现在完全接种疫苗。

So far, the most common physical reactions to the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, nausea, sore throat, diarrhea, and vomiting.

There have been some reports of rare but more serious side effects from the vaccines.

6月下旬,疾病控制和预防中心的科学家(CDC) 宣布 that there’s a rare but “likely association” between the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccines and a higher risk of heart inflammation, particularly in adolescents and young adults.

这些包括案件心肌炎, which is inflammation of the heart muscle, and心包炎, which is inflammation of the outer lining of the heart.


通过随访,包括医疗记录审核s, CDC and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials have confirmed 518 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis.



CDC继续 recommend COVID-19 vaccinations for everyone 12 years old and older, given the risk of COVID-19 illness and related, possibly severe complications.

Dr. Stuart Berger是芝加哥Luri儿童医院的儿科心脏中心儿科心脏病学家和医疗主任告诉健康疫苗,疫苗是非常安全的。雷竞技app官网


“That puts it at .00025 percent. That is very rare,” he said. “From what we know, it is actually less common than myocarditis in the general population.”

On the other hand, even if you survive COVID-19, the disease can do永久性损害to the heart.


This may increase the risk of heart failure or other heart complications in the future.

The type of pneumonia often associated with COVID-19 can also cause持久的伤害to the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. The resulting scar tissue can lead to long-term breathing problems.

Even in young people, COVID-19 can 原因 中风,癫痫发作和突厥 - 巴雷综合征 - 一种导致临时瘫痪的病症。

Covid-19也可以increasethe risk of developing Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

病毒的其他潜在的长期影响包括血块,这可能导致心脏病发作和中风,psychological issuesfrom being on a ventilator that include post-traumatic stress, depression, and anxiety.




最近 study ,以色列的科学家们看着辉瑞 - 生物疫苗疫苗是否与急性发作铃铛麻痹的风险增加。


While science has shown these vaccines to be safe with few side effects, therumorsstill fly, especially online.

You can read everything from “the vaccine can give you COVID” to “there are microchips in the vaccines” to “there are fetal cells in the vaccines.”


Neal Reddy, 19岁,普林斯顿大学的一名大二的学生y in New Jersey and survivor of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, is an intern at青少年癌症美国, which supports teens and young adults with cancer.

He said that he’s heard a variety of wild, unfounded rumors about the vaccines’ side effects.



Reddy added that some people in his age group even made a big deal out of the fact that one of the effects of the vaccine is a sore arm.
