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COVID-19 is an illness that’s caused by the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. ManyCovid-19的症状咳嗽和呼吸急促等影响哟ur respiratory system.


其他possible side effect of COVID-19 is that it can lead to blood clots in some people.


Normally, blood clots help stop bleeding when you’re injured.


However, sometimes blood clots form in the absence of an injury. This is potentially dangerous because the clot can restrict the flow of blood within your blood vessels, leading to complications like stroke or heart attack.

血块with COVID-19 have most often been seen in people who’ve been hospitalized with the disease.

一种study of 184 people in the ICU for severe COVID-19 found that 31 percent of these individuals experienced complications related to blood clots.

它仍然是常见的血栓在有一个人的个人中mild case of COVID-19

COVID-19血栓可能发生并发症across all ages. A small study looked at 14 people with COVID-19 who had experienceda strokedue to a blood clot.

The study found that 42 percent 参与者在55岁以下,没有现有的中风的危险因素

It’s still unclear why blood clots develop in people with COVID-19. However, a recent study 那published in the journal The Lancet Haematology, helps shed some light on this topic.

The study involved 68 people hospitalized with COVID-19. Of these people, 48 were in the ICU and 20 were not. Their blood was analyzed for various markers associated with clotting.

The markers in question are involved with the activation of the cells lining your blood vessels (endothelial cells) and platelets. Both endothelial cells and platelets are important for starting the clotting process.

The study found that the people in the ICU had higher levels of these clotting markers than those who weren’t in the ICU.

The exact cause of the increase in clotting markers is uncertain, but it could be due to one (or a combination) of the mechanisms below:

  • 内皮细胞表达ACE2蛋白,新的冠状病毒用于进入细胞。因此,病毒可以直接侵入和损害内皮细胞,触发身体的凝血机制。
  • If endothelial cells aren’t being directly infected, damage to the tissues around them due to viral infection or your immune response could cause increased clotting.
  • 炎症分子的增加,即您的免疫系统响应病毒感染产生的炎症分子可以激活凝血。


In this study, the platelets of people hospitalized with COVID-19 were found to be hyperactive, having increased activation and aggregation (clumping).



You may be at higher risk for blood clots from COVID-19 if you:

  • 住院。在被住院住院的个人中,Covid-19人的大多数血凝症患者。
  • Have high levels of certain markers.一种 study of more than 300 people hospitalized with COVID-19 found that highD-dimer levelswere a strong predictor of death. Other clotting and inflammatory markers have also been associated with clotting or poor outcome.
  • 有其他条件,让您面临凝结风险。一些例子包括heart diseasediabetes那andobesity

Having a血块可以导致一些可能的严重并发症,如:

  • Stroke.一种血块can block blood vessels in your brain, interrupting blood flow and leading to astroke。If a clot temporarily reduces blood flow, you can have atransient ischemic attack (TIA)或ministroke。
  • Pulmonary embolism.一种pulmonary embolismis when a blood clot travels to your lungs and blocks the flow of blood. This can decrease oxygen levels and damage lung tissue.
  • Heart attack.一种heart attack发生在对心脏组织的血液流动时发生。血栓是心脏病发作的潜在原因。

It’s also possible that a blood clot could restrict blood flow in other parts of your body, causing potentially serious damage. Some examples of other areas that a blood clot may affect include your:

COVID-19 and capillaries


Covid-19引起的凝块也可以影响毛细血管。事实上,有可能在毛细管中存在微小凝块 could contribute to the condition known as “covid脚趾。”

These tiny clots can be dangerous 在人们Covid-19肺炎那where inflammation and fluid buildup already make it difficult to breathe.

在里面的毛细血管中的凝块tiny air sacsof your lungs can restrict blow flow, further lowering oxygen levels.

患有血栓的人经常用一种叫做的药物治疗blood thinner,这减少了你身体的凝血。血液稀释剂可以帮助防止现有的凝块更大,并保持新的凝块形成。

study examined the effects of血液稀释剂in people who were hospitalized with COVID-19. It found that people who were treated with blood thinners in the hospital had a more positive outcome than those who were not.

It’s important to note that this study was only observational and wasn’t a clinical trial.

Going forward,临床试验需要进行,以确定血液稀释剂的安全性,有效性和适当剂量,以治疗Covid-19相关血液凝块。

You can reduce your risk for blood clots in general by doing the following:

  • 保持活跃。久坐的生活方式可以增加你的血凝凝块风险,所以肯定会得到regular exercise。如果您需要长时间坐在一起工作或旅行 - 尝试定期休息,以便您可以起床并四处移动。
  • Lose weight if you’re overweight.脱落过量的体重可以帮助降低开发血栓的风险。
  • 不要吸烟。Smoking can damage the lining of your blood vessels and cause clots to form.
  • Know the side effects of medications.Some types of medications, including birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, and certain cancer drugs, may increase your risk for blood clots. Work with your doctor to make sure these are properly managed to minimize the risk of blood clots.

The best way to help prevent COVID-19-related blood clots is by taking steps to avoid contracting the new coronavirus. The most effective way to avoid this highly contagious virus is to:

  • Practicephysical distancing
  • 避免people who are sick.
  • 洗手frequently.
  • 避免touchingyour nose, mouth, and eyes with unwashed hands.
  • 穿着口罩if you need to be around people who aren’t in your household.

If you come down with COVID-19 and are concerned about your blood clot risk, don’t hesitate to speak with your doctor.

If you’re at increased risk for blood clots, it’s possible that your doctor may prescribe an oral blood thinner medication.


It’s unclear exactly how COVID-19 leads to blood clots. However, the infection has been found to activate cells that are involved in the clotting process.

血块due to COVID-19 can lead to complications like stroke and heart attack. These can occur across all age groups and in otherwise healthy people.
