  • 这CDC continues to advise wearing face masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  • Masks work by creating a physical barrier to the spread of virus-containing respiratory droplets.
  • Growing evidence supports their effectiveness.
  • While many Americans have objected to wearing masks, experts say their concerns are unfounded.

这Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to strongly advise the wearing of面部面具to prevent the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

On July 14, 2020 the CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said in a press release : “Cloth face coverings are one of the most powerful weapons we have to slow and stop the spread of the virus — particularly when used universally within a community setting.”

While these recommendations have been met with some skepticism among the public, scientific evidence continues to show that masks do work.


Transmission of the coronavirus is thought to occur through respiratory droplets that are released when people speak, sneeze, or talk, according toMeilan Han博士是密歇根大学肺部和关键课程中医学教授。

If these droplets land in the mouth or nose of people nearby, or are inhaled into the lungs, a person can contract the virus.


汉说,面具贝科变得更加重要use a significant proportion of people who get COVID-19 either don’t exhibit symptoms or there’s a delay before symptoms show up.



In the July 14, 2020 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the authors of an editorial piece 说“现在的时间是”的通用面具佩戴。


第一学习 表明,波士顿医院系统中的通用面罩佩戴政策降低了SARS-COV-2的传播。

Prior to the institution of the mask policy, new cases among healthcare workers who had either direct or indirect patient contact were increasing exponentially.

After the policy was put into place, however, the proportion of symptomatic healthcare workers who tested positive for COVID-19 “steadily declined,” according to the report.

这方面还谈到了一个 report 在CDC的发病率和死亡率每周报告(MMWR)中,显示戴着面具似乎防止两个密苏里州发型师将疾病传播给客户。

Both stylists had continued to see customers for several days after developing symptoms, but wore face masks as per local government ordinance. Ninety-eight percent of their customers wore masks as well.

Of the 139 customers that the stylists saw before being diagnosed, none developed COVID-19 symptoms during the follow-up period. None of their secondary contacts developed symptoms either.

In addition, of the 67 clients who agreed to be tested, none were positive for the virus.

Despite the scientific evidence supporting the wearing of masks, many Americans have voiced objections to their use.

We askedDr. Vinisha Amin,医院医学医师在马里兰州大学上切萨皮克健康抵消了一些常见的担忧和误导的神话目前正在传播。

1. Masks don’t work

“Let’s disintegrate that myth!” said Amin. “Masks are helpful and effective in protecting you and your loved ones from the virus.”

“There is a plethora of scientific data and research to help solidify this recommendation,” she added.



“That means you have only tried one mask and gave up quickly on finding one that works well,” said Amin.


“Yes, they might hurt your ears. In that situation find a mask where the elastic band that wraps around the ear is cloth covered or a softer elastic band which won’t irritate your skin,” she said.

“Yes, they fog up glasses. I have the same issue,” she added. “In that situation, place your eyeglasses over the mask on the bridge of your nose to help hold the mask in place and also help mitigate the fog under your glasses.”

3. I’m worried about carbon dioxide building up and making me sick

“There is absolutely no scientific reasoning that supports the claim that there is carbon dioxide buildup due to masks,” said Amin.

“Healthcare professionals such as our physicians and surgeons have been utilizing tighter and more impenetrable masks for decades, yet we are still able to breathe through them,” she said.


4. I’m not at high risk

Amin acknowledged that the most vulnerable people are those with comorbid conditions or those who are immunocompromised.


“We are all co-dependent on each other for our well-being and health as a community,” she explained.

这re’s growing evidence that masks do work in preventing the spread of COVID-19.



Experts say they work best when we all cooperate and wear them.