Omicron is the latest coronavirus variant that has emerged, but experts say that low vaccination rates may lead to additional mutations. Getty Images
  • Omicron has been labeled a variant of concern due to its high transmissibility and number of mutations.
  • 专家说,低疫苗接种率会导致病毒的扩散和进一步的突变。
  • 为了帮助阻止Covid-19的传播并防止将来令人担忧的变体启动,因此必须进行疫苗接种和增强。


The new coronavirus variant first identified in South Africa has been named a “variant of concern” by the World Health Organization (WHO). It has prompted a number of countries, including the United States, to roll out new travel restrictions in an attempt to thwart its spread.

However, there’s still a lot to learn about the Omicron variant. Public health officials say that it’s too soon to say how widespread it will become and to determine its true impact on the course of the pandemic.

Healthline asked two experts who specialize in virology and infectious diseases to explain how variants like Omicron develop, why Omicron is considered a “variant of concern,” and how low vaccination rates may lead to additional coronavirus variants.


“任何时候有人感染了病毒,病毒进入他们的身体并进入他们的细胞并开始复制自身。”Marybeth Sexton博士,埃默里大学医学院的传染病助理教授。“每当病毒复制时,就有机会犯错。”

Sexton将其与输入成绩单进行比较 - 您一定会发出一些错别字。

“这是一样的病毒,”她说。“当n it copies itself, it makes mistakes. Most of those mistakes don’t matter, but occasionally, you’ll get a mistake that actually makes the virus more contagious, or more severe, or causes other problems, like a treatment or a vaccine doesn’t work as well. And that’s when we start to get worried.”









“有了一个关注的变体,我们不仅需要观看它,而且还需要迅速采取行动,以阻止它进入下一个类别,这是高后果的变体。”加里·惠特克(Gary Whittaker),博士,康奈尔大学病毒学教授。


“Basically with a variant of high consequence, we would have a big problem,” Sexton says.

While much still needs to be learned about Omicron, several factors have made it a variant of concern.

“One is that there is some evidence that it may be more transmissible,” Sexton says, “and that’s based on the fact that we’re seeing a rapid increase in the number of cases of COVID in South Africa at the same time that the proportion of cases that they’re identifying that are Omicron is going up.”


“It has a lot of changes, or a lot of those typos or errors, compared to the original virus,” Sexton explains. “And to see that, that starts to worry people about how well our vaccines and treatments are going to work. But we still need a lot more data.”


Because there’s a chance of errors every time a virus copies itself, viruses can mutate every time they replicate.


“But if you’ve got a lot of unvaccinated people, you’re going to have a lot of spread,” she continued. “And when you have a lot of spread, the virus is copying itself. And when it’s copying itself, you get mutations.”


“What we’re starting to learn is that even if you get a breakthrough infection, meaning a person has been vaccinated but still gets COVID, those people don’t seem to be contagious for as long,” Sexton says.


In an unvaccinated person, it remains in the body for much longer, giving it more time to copy itself.

“So an unvaccinated person who’s infected is a better incubator to make a variant because the virus copies itself more inside of them, and then an unvaccinated population allows it to spread,” Sexton says.


Other precautions we’ve come to rely on, such as mask-wearing, handwashing, and social distancing can also have a big impact.



根据疫苗资产全球仪表板, which was established by the United Nations, WHO, and Oxford University, just 8 percent of people in low income countries have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine as of Dec. 8.


“This is the definition of we’re all in this together,” Sexton says. “We’re going to see the virus spread rapidly in places that haven’t vaccinated their population, and so this is really a setup to have variants continue to emerge from under-vaccinated, disadvantaged countries over and over again until we fix this and really get the whole world access to the vaccine.”