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  • New research suggests cannabis use could make a user more susceptible to “false memory.”
  • 然而,专家说这是一个有些误导性的术语,使得调查结果听起来比他们真正的更为邪恶。
  • Instead of being more susceptible to “false memories,” experts say a cannabis-impaired person is likely “more suggestible” and may recall inaccurate details when asked suggestive questions.

Past research from theWorld Health Organizationhas linked recreational cannabis use to impairing a person’s attention and delaying their reaction time, resulting in a doubled risk of fatal traffic accidents.

在短期内,大麻可以降低一个人的working memory, executive function, and attention.


Arecent study在美国美国国家科学院的诉讼程序中发表的表明,大麻似乎增加了“虚假记忆”,这意味着他们可能声称记住不在那里的东西。

That doesn’t mean that normal cannabis use will make someone hallucinate dragons or their pets talking.


To test this effect, researchers in the Netherlands, Australia, Germany, and the United States recruited 64 healthy adult volunteers for their randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.







But they shouldn’t wait too long.

The researchers found that after a week, the high participants and the sober ones had about the same rate of memory recall, suggesting the effects of cannabis’ impact leveled out with our natural loss of memories in the short term.

纽约市玛丽克里顿博士大麻专家who wasn’t involved in the study, the findings suggest that whether people are sober or high, their ability to recall what they saw found a middle ground just a week later.

“That’s so strange,” Clifton told Healthline. “The sober people lost memory over time.”


Clifton says because of how cannabis interacts with the hippocampus — a part of the brain associated with memory — the findings between sober and high witnesses at a week later merit for more study.

Regardless, she says, as different substances work differently in the brain, finding truth in an investigation should involve considering the state a witness may be in.

“I don’t think police anywhere should be interviewing anyone who is high or drunk,” Clifton said.

In terms of the criminal justice system, the findings may be more helpful to defense attorneys or others who would cross-examine so-called eyewitnesses.

Or are people simply “more suggestible” when they’re high?

Dr. Jordan Tishler, a Harvard-educated physician and CEO ofinhalemd.谁也没有参与研究,发现它“疯狂地”的方法和方法,即通过混合具有较新技术的经验和真实方法,如虚拟现实。

但他确实在研究的标题中发出问题 - “大麻会增加对虚假记忆的敏感性” - 正如他所说的那样“唤起各种各样的鸟类”。

“The headline comes off as saying anybody who uses cannabis is untrustworthy, and I don’t think that was the authors’ intentions,” Tishler told Healthline.

Instead, he says, the findings suggest that people under the influence of cannabis are more agreeable and more likely to “go along to get along.”

Much like a child trying to please a parent, someone under the influence of cannabis may be more likely to follow along with leading questions.

Instead of being more susceptible to “false memories,” Tishler argues a cannabis-impaired person is “more suggestible.”

“Stoners would say ‘yes’ more,” Tishler said.

That means how a question is phrased is even more important.

For example, asking someone, “Did you see the white car?” while they’re high may get them to answer yes more often, even if the car was red, blue, or black.

Instead, asking “What did you see?” could elicit more truthful answers and go against a cannabis-impaired person’s inclinations to be helpful, even if their answers aren’t exactly spot on.

