
Your arms contain many muscles that work together to allow you to perform all sorts of motions and tasks. Each of your arms is composed of your upper arm and forearm. Your upper arm extends from your shoulder to your elbow. Your forearm runs from your elbow to your wrist.

Before learning about the different muscles, it’s important to understand the four major types of movement they’re involved in:

  • Flexion.这movement brings two body parts closer together, such as your forearm and upper arm.
  • Extension.该运动增加了两个身体部位之间的空间。一个例子是矫直你的肘部。
  • Abduction.这refers to moving a body part away from the center of your body, such as lifting your arm out and away from your body.
  • 内容。这是指将身体部位朝向身体的中心移动,例如使手臂重新延长,所以它沿着你的躯干搁置。



Anterior compartment


The muscles of the anterior compartment include:

  • 肱二头肌。经常被称为你的biceps这个肌肉包含两个头,开始的front and back of your shoulder before joining together at your elbow. The end near your elbow flex the forearm, bringing it toward your upper arm. The two heads near your shoulder help with flexion and adduction of your upper arm.
  • brachialis。musclelies underneath your biceps. It acts as a bridge between your humerus and ulna, one of the main bones of your forearm. It’s involved with the flexing of your forearm.
  • Coracobrachialis.muscle位于您的肩部附近。它允许内容上臂和肩部屈曲。它还有助于稳定肩部关节内的肱骨。



  • Triceps brachii.muscle通常称为您的Triceps,沿着肱骨延伸,允许屈曲和延伸前臂。它还有助于稳定您的肩关节。
  • Anconeus。这是一个小的三角形musclethat helps to extend your elbow and rotate your forearm. It’s sometimes considered to be an extension of your triceps.



Anterior compartment

The anterior compartment runs along the inside of your forearm. The muscles in this area are mostly involved with flexion of your wrist and fingers as well as rotation of your forearm.

Superficial layer

  • Flexor carpi ulnaris.muscleflexes and adducts your wrist.
  • 帕尔马里斯龙节。muscle有助于屈曲手腕,但不是每个人都有它。
  • Flexor carpi radialis.muscleallows for flexion of your wrist in addition to abduction of your hand and wrist.
  • Pronator teres.musclerotates your forearm, allowing your palm to face your body.

Intermediate layer

  • 屈肌Dietotorum Supervicialis。muscle弯曲你的第二个,第三,第四和第五个手指。

Deep compartment

  • 屈肌difitorum profundus。muscle也有助于屈曲。此外,它涉及将手腕移动到身体。
  • Flexor Pollicis Longus。muscleflexes your thumb.
  • 临音Quadratura。类似于句子特拉斯,这个muscle帮助您的前臂旋转。



Superficial layer

  • Brachioradialis.这只肌肉在肘部弯曲你的前臂。
  • Extensor carpi radialis longus.muscle帮助绑架并伸展手腕接头。
  • 伸肌Carpi Radialis Brevis。muscle是短的,广泛的与你的伸肌吗carpi radialis longus.
  • Extensor digitorum.muscle允许扩展您的第二个,第三,第四和第五个手指。
  • Extensor carpi ulnari.这种肌肉加合你的手腕。


  • 泊床。这muscle allows your forearm to rotate outward so your palm faces up.
  • Abductor Pollicis Longus。muscle绑架你的拇指,将其移开到你的身体。
  • Extensor pollicis brevis.muscle延伸你的拇指。
  • 伸胶博士龙节。这is the longer对岸到你的extensor pollicis brevis。
  • extensor指数。muscleextends your index finger.

Arm muscle diagram

Explore the interactive 3-D diagram below to learn more about your arm muscles.

Arm muscle conditions


  • Muscle strains.这refers to any伸展或撕裂肌肉。他们通常由受伤或造成的过度使用。Depending on the underlying cause, you might feel pain immediately. In other cases, it can emerge over several days or weeks.
  • 神经压缩。有时,你的肌肉,骨头或肌腱对附近的神经施加过大的压力。这被称为nerve compressionor a pinched nerve. Your arm, especially your forearm and wrist, is a common area for this.
  • 肩负伤害。Several of the muscles in your upper arm are connected to your shoulder. That means pain from a shoulder injury, such as a撕裂的转子袖口, often radiates down your arm.



  • 疼痛
  • 有限的运动范围
  • swelling
  • weakness
  • muscle spasms
  • tingling

Muscle pain is often milder than bone or nerve pain. Bone pain tends to feel deep and penetrating, and nerve pain is often sharp or burning.

Tips for healthy arm muscles


  • 锻炼。Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. To avoid injuries, make sure you begin by gently stretching. To build more muscle, gradually increase the frequency and intensity of your exercise. Allow your muscles to rest if you start to feel pain at any point while exercising.Not sure where to start? Try these five yoga stretches for arms.
  • 吃均衡的饮食。Aim to eat a variety of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats to support your muscles.
  • Take breaks.If you do anything that requires a lot of repetitive motion over a period of time, make sure you take frequent breaks. This will protect both your muscles and nerves from injury.