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Yeast infections are a common type of infection. About 75 percent of women have had a yeast infection at least once in their lifetimes. While uncomfortable, yeast infections are typically easy to treat.

But before you can treat them, you first need to identify them.

Vaginal infections are easily diagnosed by a doctor. That’s your best bet since a doctor can tell you for certain whether you have a yeast infection.

However, if you can’t make it to a healthcare professional, you may want to try an at-home vaginal pH test. These over-the-counter (OTC) tests determine how acidic your vaginal secretions 是。他们无法确定您是否患有酵母菌感染,但可以帮助您排除其他类型的感染。

Pricing guide

At-home vaginal pH tests are relatively affordable. They can be easily found online or at your local drugstore.

  • $=低于$ 12
  • $$= $12–$15
  • $$$=超过$ 15


CVS Health Feminine Screening Kit for Vaginal Infections

  • Price:$$$

It’s easy to find a cheap and effective pH test at your local drugstore. This kit from CVS includes two swabs and lets you know in seconds whether your vaginal pH is abnormal.



Easiest vaginal pH test to read


  • Price:$$

This kit offers 40 pH strips to test the acidity levels in your vaginal discharge. It’s easy to use and read, and it comes with plenty of strips in case there’s an error with your first test.


Customers like that the rainbow chart for these strips is easy to read, and the results appear quickly. One reviewer who had to constantly monitor her pH levels said this kit was perfect for determining whether her levels were improving during her treatments.



  • Price:$



Each kit comes with two test swabs and simple instructions. Additionally, for people who need to monitor their pH levels regularly, the brand offers subscription options.

评论show satisfaction with the tests among customers who are prone to yeast infections and those looking for affordable options. Others appreciate that the test is discreet and they don’t have to make regular trips to their pharmacy.


PGYARD Vaginal pH Test

  • Price:$$

该套件带有50条条带 - 每包10条条 - 对于需要定期测试pH值的人易于使用。通过遵循套件提供的图表,易于阅读结果。

Those prone to bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections say they found this kit to be helpful and accurate during the times they felt an infection developing.

Additionally, people with diabetes who have to keep track of念珠菌还使用此套件,并说他们发现它有助于监视。

Some symptoms you may experience if you have a yeast infection are:

If you have any of these symptoms, you may want to get tested for a yeast infection. See a doctor if this is the first infection you’re experiencing, or if you’ve triedself-treatingwith no improvement.

If you don’t have the ability to see a doctor right away, you can use an at-home pH kit to test whether your vaginal pH levels are off.

The most accurate way to determine whether you have a yeast infection is by receiving avaginitis test来自医生。

The doctor will use a sterile cotton swab to retrieve a sample. Then, they’ll examine the sample under a microscope to determine whether there’s an infection.

If you take an at-home pH test, you’ll take one of the included pH strips and hold it against your vaginal wall for a few seconds.

Then, you’ll compare the color of the strip with the chart that came with your kit. This will tell you whether your pH level is off, though it won’t be able to confirm for sure whether you have a yeast infection.

If you suspect you have a yeast infection after taking an at-home pH test, you can self-treat withOTC medication, such as miconazole and clotrimazole.

Calamine或1%的氢化可的松霜可以帮助缓解vulvar itching。此外,改用棉花或其他breathable underwear可以帮助防止症状恶化。

If you get a diagnosis from a doctor, they may prescribe prescription medication, or you can also take OTC medication.




Keep in mind that a high pH doesn’t necessarily indicate an infection. Similarly, a low or normal pH doesn’t confirm that an infection is present, either.

The most accurate way to know whether you have a yeast infection is to get checked by a doctor.


Doctors typically conduct a vaginitis test when testing for an infection. They’ll use a swab to take a sample of your vaginal discharge, which is then examined under a microscope.

该测试是确定您是否患有酵母菌感染或其他类型的感染(例如BV)的最佳选择chlamydia, ortrichomoniasis

Is it OK to take yeast infection medication without getting a test from a doctor first?



Set up an in-person appointment with a doctor as soon as you can. If symptoms are severe, you can start OTC miconazole while waiting for your appointment.

We made sure to look at reputable brands with positive feedback from customers who have used the products. We also took into consideration how easy it is to take these tests and how quickly you receive the results.

如前所述,这些测试将不是tell you for certain whether you have a yeast infection. Instead, they’ll indicate whether your pH levels are off.



If you have a yeast infection or suspect you have one, the only way to know for sure is to visit a doctor. At-home tests can only tell you so much about the symptoms you may be experiencing.

