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Sulfates are chemicals used as cleansing agents. They’re found in household cleaners, detergents, and even shampoo.

两种主要类型的硫酸盐用于洗发水:sodium lauryl sulfate和月桂钠硫酸钠。这些硫酸盐的目的是产生起泡的效果,以从头发中去除油和污垢。如果你的洗发水很容易在淋浴时泡沫,那么它含有硫酸盐的机会很好。无硫酸盐洗发水几乎没有稍后。

Compared to other cleansing ingredients in shampoo, sulfates are said to have the 最深的清洗效果 。They belong to a class of cleansers called anionic surfactants, which clean away substances.

硫酸盐被认为是洗发钉。尽管如此,近几十年来,洗发水中的硫酸盐已经存在争议。有些人认为硫酸盐可以直接损害你的健康。由于洗发水在许多情况下每天使用,因此该思想是这种对硫酸盐的暴露会导致严重的风险。硫酸盐曾经被认为是癌症引起的药剂,但进一步scientific evidence戴上这些索赔。


While sulfates are effective at removing dirt and oil from your hair, the problem is that these ingredients can be way too strong for some people. You may not respond well to sulfates if you have sensitive skin or hair, or if you have any allergies or sensitivities to these types of chemicals.

Sulfate-free shampoo is also recommended by theAmerican Academy of Dermatology(AAD)对枸杞的人。这是因为发现成分刺激皮肤,可能导致头皮上的症状以及脸部,肩膀和背部。如果你有rosacea, you’ll also want to avoid other known irritants in shampoos such as fragrances, alcohol, andalpha-hydroxy acids像乙醇酸和乳酸一样。

TheAADalso says you should avoid sulfates if you have湿疹,接触性皮炎, orsensitive skin。来自硫酸盐洗发水的任何潜在的泡沫效果可能会刺激这些类型的皮肤状况。

如果您对硫酸盐敏感,也可以过敏反应。如果是这种情况,您可能会在使用Sulfate Shampoo后注意到头皮和面部的一个或多个症状:

  • 发红
  • skin rash
  • swelling (inflammation)
  • 麻疹

You may also want to avoid sulfates if you have干燥or fine hair. These hair types are more fragile, and the sudsy effects of sulfate shampoo can strip out too much of the natural oils needed to keep your strands healthy.



Overall, sulfate-free shampoos are more expensive than their conventional sulfate-containing counterparts. But the trade-offs may be worthwhile, especially if you have sensitive skin or hair. Check out some of the following products you can try based on your hair type:

Sulfates don’t necessarily pose health risks for all users. However, if you have a sensitivity to sulfates or if your hair is dry, fine, or damaged, it may be best to choose a different type of shampoo. You might even just prefer to avoid them altogether to be on the safe side.

There are also other things you can do to help keep your hair at its best. Consider following these tips alongside using sulfate-free shampoo:

  • 只要你需要,只能用它洗头发。Oily hair needs to be cleansed most often, usually on a daily basis. Dry hair may only need to be washed a few times a week; shampooing more frequently could strip natural oils from your hair and make it even drier and more dull-looking.
  • Make sure your shampoo is tailored to your hair type.This includes creamier shampoos for dry and curly hair, color-care products for color-treated hair, and more.
  • 别忘了使用调节剂!Shampooing your hair removes excess oil and dirt, but it can also get rid of natural oils. (Think of this as like washing your face, where you always need to follow up with a moisturizer tailored to your skin type.) You always need to follow up with a conditioner, unless you have a 2-in-1 combination product. Concentrate on using the conditioner on the tips and lower half of your strands only.
  • 谨慎地使用加热的工具。每日使用吹风机,卷发铁或扁铁,最终会损坏您的股线。如果必须,请尝试每隔一天使用它们,并使用a无硫酸盐干洗发水in between.