Psoriasis is a chronic condition, so your dermatologist is going to be a lifelong partner in your quest for skin clearance. It’s important to spend the extra time you need to find the right one. Your primary care doctor may have some recommendations, or you may choose to ask around or search online for dermatologists near you.



About15 percentof people with psoriasis also develop psoriatic arthritis. This type of arthritis causes swelling, pain, and inflammation in affected joints. If that’s the case for you, you may want to consider a dermatologist with experience in treating patients who have both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. You’ll likely need to find a dermatologist who can work alongside your rheumatologist.

If you can, try to find a dermatologist who isn’t more than a 20- to 30-minute drive away. This makes it less likely that you’ll have to cancel your appointments last minute when something comes up. It also makes it easier to fit appointments into your busy schedule. As well, if you need to have treatments on a regular basis such as light therapy, it will be more convenient.





每个人都有不同的偏好大ion these days. For some, email is the best way to reach them. For others, a phone call is the only way you can get in touch.


Your dermatologist should be familiar with the commonly accepted treatments and keep you informed. It’s also important that you take some time to familiarize yourself with all of the available treatment options so you have an idea of what to expect during your visit.

You might not always be eligible for a clinical trial of new treatments in your area, but it’s comforting to have a dermatologist who is aware of the latest research. You won’t have to worry that you’ll miss out on the latest treatments.

As an added bonus, finding a dermatologist who participates directly in clinical trials for psoriasis is a great sign that they are fully invested in treating it.

Your dermatologist is responsible for making the final call on what medications to prescribe, but you do have some say in your preferences. Even 专家不同意 on which psoriasis medications should be tried first. A lot of times, it depends on your individual case.


A dermatologist experienced in treating psoriasis patients should understand that lifestyle factors play a role in the disease, and that the disease itself can have a huge impact on your quality of life. At your visit, the dermatologist should be asking questions about your day-to-day life. These questions may include:

  • 你有多少压力?
  • 你有时郁闷还是焦虑?
  • How much does your psoriasis impact your quality
  • What treatments have you already tried?
  • Do you know of anything in your diet or
  • 您是否有支持系统或需要帮助
  • Do you have any dietary limitations?
  • 你喝酒或烟酒吗?
  • 你打算很快怀孕吗?
  • Have you tried any supplements?
  • What are your biggest fears when it comes to
    treating psoriasis?

If the dermatologist doesn’t ask you some of these questions, it may not be a good fit.


  • 你想要一位选择更多的医生
  • 你想要一个也有可以访问的皮肤科医生吗?
  • 你想要一个有很多的皮肤科医生吗?
  • Do you have other medical conditions and want a
    dermatologist who understands them?
  • Does the office’s personality (professional,

You can ask these questions during your initial appointment. If you find that a particular dermatologist doesn’t meet your needs, move on to a different one until you find the right fit.