When you get married, you don’t really think about the possibility of a divorce. We were raised with fairy tales that all end with, “…and they all lived happily ever after.” But no one prepared us for, “…and they slowly grew apart until their love was no longer.”


在这个新的“有意识的解耦”(感谢很多,Gwyneth Paltrow)中,一个家庭不需要只是因为婚姻而崩溃。离婚可以,应该是一个协作和尊重的过程。以下是一些帮助我实现的技巧。

Is there still hope? I know it depends on the cause for divorce, but make sure you did everything you could to save your marriage. Go see a therapist. Make dates with your partner. Try new ways to connect and communicate. There is nothing worse than regrets, and knowing you did everything you humanly could will take care of that.




The kids helped me shop for my new house and choose the furniture, they decided on their room colors, and on the day I was moving, they helped me move boxes along with my ex. The most important message here: There can be unity despite there being a separation. We are all building a new life together, and their opinions matter.






Call your mom. Call your dad. Call your friends. Call a helpline. Get the dog you’ve always wanted. Take up knitting. Whatever helps you get through the day.

Don’t make this a battle of who won and who lost. Nobody wins in a divorce. Period.

I know, it sounds funny, but you will appreciate it when your kid forgets their favorite toy at your ex’s place and you have to go get it at 9 p.m. or else there will be no sleeping in your house that night.


Life happens and nothing fits in a mold, let alone a shared custody mold. Don’t let an extra hour here or there become a big deal, and be prepared to switch days out of your normal schedule.

With homework, friends’ birthday parties, and everything in between, it helps to stay organized, especially when there are two parent schedules. You can share content and communicate efficiently with your ex-partner, while sharing important information such as health cards, insurance, passports, etc.

Sure, they can move their favorite toy from one house to another, but try to have the essentials ready at both places to minimize the feeling of moving every time they have to go to the other house.

我个人发现交流周太long spent away from my kids. Yet, the 2-2-3 rotation didn’t have the stability I was looking for. With my ex, we decided the 5-2 rotation was the best formula for us. We’ll most likely revisit when the kids are older and ask them to weigh in on the final decision.

If divorce is going to suck, you might as well get something out of it. Take some time to write down on paper what you are looking for in your next relationship, as well as what you will not tolerate. This will help you put any new prospect into perspective.

The scene has evolved. Getting back in the action is a great step forward, but make sure you are ready and make sure you know what the new rules of engagement are.