运动和体育锻炼对您的健康和福祉很重要。If you have multiple sclerosis (MS), a condition where the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers and causes communication problems between the brain and the rest of your body, you may find that exercise isn’t as easy as it once was.





Warming up and slowly moving your muscles will also help prevent torn muscles, strains, and sprains. Stretch after you wake up or after sitting for long periods of time. Seated stretching is easier and safer for beginners.

Stretching exercise: Hip marching

  1. 坐在坚固的椅子上,背部碰到椅子的后部。
  2. 舒适地将手放在腿上。
  3. 慢慢抬起左腿,使膝盖弯曲。
  4. 保持5(或舒适的时间),然后将脚放在地板上。
  5. 重复另一条腿。

对于患有MS早期症状的人来说,普拉提可能是一个不错的选择。普拉提运动可以帮助激活较小的稳定肌肉,使人类运动成为可能。Dani Singer,,,,certified personal trainer.

“[The roll-up] is a great exercise to activate the deep abdominal muscles that are responsible for stabilizing the spine,” says Singer. “Maintaining this function is vital for balance, which can be one of the biggest limiters for individuals with advanced MS.”


  1. Lie down on a mat with your legs straight. Reach overhead and hold the end of the mat with your fingertips.
  2. Exhale and try to pull your stomach in towards the floor.
  3. Still holding onto the mat, slowly peel the shoulder blades and upper back off the floor, while gently pushing the head back into the mat.
  4. 暂停两秒钟,试图感觉到腹部的收缩。
  5. Slowly reverse the movement, lowering the upper back down to the floor.

Spasticity is one of the more common symptoms of MS. The condition can range from mild muscle tightness to pain or tightness in and around joints, to uncontrollable spasms of extremities, usually of the legs.

The Achilles tendon release helps release tension in the soleus, a calf muscle that is primarily used for pushing off the ground while walking. Often times, people with MS experience limited mobility when this muscle gets stiff, says Singer.


  1. 坐在椅子上或地板上时,伸出一条腿,将带或绑在那只脚的球上。
  2. 通过高高坐起来,轻轻地将胃向脊柱拉进去,从而延长脊椎。
  3. Maintaining that upper body posture, slowly pull on the band or strap, pulling your foot back towards you. The movement should occur at the ankle joint, lengthening the overactive muscles in the back of the lower leg and heel.


Leg exercise: Assisted butt kicks

  1. Stand and hold onto the back of a chair with both hands for support.
  2. Lift your heel back behind you and try to touch your butt. The movement should occur at the knee joint.
  3. When you can’t get any higher, have a friend gently assist you with her hands to lift your heel as high as possible, without discomfort.
  4. Lower your foot back down to the ground as slowly as possible.

肩带的僵硬可能是MS患者疼痛和固定性的主要原因。Brittany Ferri, 职业治疗师。通过伸出手臂以拉伸肩关节,您正在努力保持关节润滑,以便它们保持松动和柔韧性。


  1. 当坐在椅子上时,脊柱伸直,靠在椅子的后部,将一只手臂移到您的身边。
  2. 将同一条手臂一直伸出,并抬起头,同时保持整个手臂。
  3. 一旦您的手臂在头顶上方,请在深呼吸时握住它,并让同样的呼吸。
  4. 将手臂放回您身边。

Strength in the postural muscles is crucial for people with MS, says蒂姆·刘,私人教练和营养教练。随着条件的进展,这些区域的力量和肌肉会损失。站立锻炼可以帮助增强这些肌肉。


  1. Wrap an exercise band around a pole or rod and grab the handles of the band. Take a few steps back from the pole.
  2. 将核心保持紧绷,膝盖柔软,向您拉动手柄,直到肩膀与肘部保持一致。
  3. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, then straighten your arms back to starting position.


  • cardiovascular fitness
  • 年代trength
  • bladder and bowel function
  • 疲劳
  • mood
  • cognitive function
  • bone density
  • 灵活性

有些患有MS的人在锻炼时可能会迅速过热,而另一些人可能会遇到平衡问题,或者双腿可能开始发麻。克里斯·库珀,,,,certified personal trainer.

However, Cooper believes that sticking to the basics of squatting, hinging, pushing, pulling and overall movement can help with symptoms of the condition.
