If you’re living withmultiple sclerosis (MS), you’ve probably lost several minutes — if not hours — searching your house for misplaced items… only to find your keys or wallet somewhere random, like the kitchen pantry or medicine cabinet.

你不是一个人。COG雾, or MS-related脑雾事实上,女士,影响很多人生活在这s estimated that超过一半与MS为生的人将制定认知问题,如难以解的对话,批判性或回忆回忆。

MS-ers call this symptom “cog fog” — short for cognitive fog. It’s also referred to as brain fog, changes in cognition, or cognitive impairment.

Losing your train of thought mid-sentence, forgetting why you entered a room, or struggling to remember a friend’s name are all possibilities when cog fog strikes.

Krysia Hepatica是一个MS的企业家,描述了她的大脑现在如何不同。“信息在那里。访问它只是需要更长的时间,“她告诉健康线。雷竞技app官网

“For instance, if someone asks me a question about a particular detail from days or weeks before, I can’t always immediately pull it up. It slowly comes back, in chunks. It’s like sifting through an old-school card catalog instead of just Googling it. Analog vs. digital. Both work, one is just slower,” Hepatica explains.

Lucie Linder was diagnosed withrelapsing-remitting MSin 2007 and says cog fog has been a significant issue for her, as well. “The sudden memory loss, disorientation, and mental sluggishness that can strike at any minute are not so fun.”


Fortunately, she’s found that cardio exercise helps her blast through that stuck feeling.

For the most part, cognitive changes will be mild to moderate, and won’t be so severe that you aren’t able to take care of yourself. But it can make what used to be simple tasks — like shopping for groceries — pretty darn frustrating.

MS is a disease of the central nervous system that affects the brain and spinal cord. It also causes areas of inflammation and lesions on the brain.

“As a result, [people with MS] can have cognitive issues that typically involve slowness of processing, trouble multi-tasking, and distractibility,” explains David Mattson, MD, a neurologist at印第安纳大学健康

Some of the more common areas of life that are affected by cognitive changes include memory, attention and concentration, verbal fluency, and information processing.

Mattson points out that no one MS lesion causes this, but cog fog seems more associated with an increased overall number of MS lesions in the brain.

On top of that,疲劳is also prevalent in people with MS, which can cause forgetfulness, lack of interest, and little energy.

“Those who experience fatigue may find it more difficult to complete tasks later in the day, have a lower ability to withstand certain environments such as extreme heat, and struggle with sleep disorders or depression,” Mattson adds.




Doctors and patients both feel frustration at the lack of treatment options available for the cognitive issues that accompany MS.


However, in the absence of treatments, Leavitt believes that lifestyle factors can make a difference. “Modifiable factors that are in our control can help change the way a person with MS lives to best protect their brain,” she tells Healthline.

Leavitt says the classic trio of modifiable lifestyle factors that may help with cognitive function include diet, exercise, and intellectual enrichment.


改变你的diet- 特别是加入健康的脂肪 - 可以帮助COG雾。


Healthy fats, orfoods rich in omega-3s,以其在脑部健康中的作用而闻名。

In addition to avocados and coconut oil, include some of these to your diet:

  • seafood like salmon, mackerel,
  • 特级初榨橄榄油
  • walnuts
  • Chia种子和亚麻籽


Exercisehas been studied for years as a way to help people with MS deal with the daily struggles of cog fog. In fact, a 2011 study 发现物理活性与MS人们的认知速度显着相关。

But it’s not just the favorable impact that exercise has on the brain that’s important. Engaging in physical activity is also good for the body and your mental health.

一种 2013 study found that people with MS who participated in regular aerobic exercise experienced an increase in mood. When you feel good, you have a heightened ability to process information. Any type of exercise is beneficial, but researchers seem to look specifically at aerobic exercise and the role it plays in MS and cognitive function.

另外,一个 2016 study reported that people with MS who regularly exercised had a reduction in lesions in the brain, which shows just how powerful exercise can be.

Intellectual enrichment



To get the biggest brain-boosting benefits, learn a new skill or language, or pick up a new hobby.


在为COG FOG实施的长期解决方案的同时,您也可能从一些提供立即救济的提示中受益。

Hepatica says some additional strategies that work for her when she’s experiencing cog fog are taking good notes, writing everything down on her calendar, and multi-tasking as little as possible. “It is preferable for me to start and finish tasks before moving on to start something new,” she says.






While living with MS and dealing with cog fog can be a real challenge, Hepatica says she tries not to let it get her down. “I just accept that my brain works in a different way now and I’m thankful to have strategies that help,” she explains.

Sara Lindberg., BS, M.Ed, is a freelance health and fitness writer. She holds a bachelor’s in exercise science and a master’s degree in counseling. She’s spent her life educating people on the importance of health, wellness, mindset, and mental health. She specializes in the mind-body connection, with a focus on how our mental and emotional well-being impact our physical fitness and health.