We’ve carefully selected these blogs because they are actively working to educate, inspire, and empower their readers with frequent updates and high-quality information. If you would like to tell us about a blog, nominate them by emailing us atbestblogs@healthline.com!

Leukemia是一群影响数十万人,包括年轻人的血液癌。据该公司称Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Still, more than 24,000 people are expected to die from leukemia in 2017.


In 2013, Dominic was less than 1 year old when he was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. Two years later, he passed away. His parents, Sean and Trish Rooney, began to chronicle his journey. Now, the two split their time between their new infant daughter, and memorializing Dominic through their advocacy work and the blog.


Tweet them@TrishRooney@SeanRooney

罗尼·戈登(Ronni Gordon)是一位自由作家和祖母。她还是一名跑步者和网球运动员,她认识到自己在2003年的10K比赛中遇到健康问题。后来她被诊断出患有急性髓性白血病。尽管她三年前被治愈了,但罗尼仍在面对很多慢性副作用、分享her continuing struggles with the after effects of the disease on her compelling blog.



T.J.Martell Foundation是音乐行业中的一个非营利组织,致力于将数百万美元的白血病,艾滋病和癌症研究汇集。根据博客,到目前为止,他们已经筹集了2.7亿美元。在这里,您可以阅读有关他们的工作,患者概况,专家问答以及生存故事的凄美故事。


Tweet them@tjmartell

What happens when a family doctor is diagnosed with leukemia? Well, in the case of Brian Koffman, he begins sharing his journey. Dr. Koffman writes about new developments in blood cancer treatment, as well as his decision to take part in a clinical trial, which has had significant bearing on his treatment course over the last several years. Recently, he penned a series on steroids in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and followed the articles with a Facebook Live broadcast.



LLS博客是白血病和淋巴瘤协会的博客所在地,这是致力于血液癌研究的最大非营利组织。他们自1949年以来就一直存在,因此他们拥有丰富的经验和知识。在他们的博客上,您可以阅读有关该组织的最新筹款活动和活动的信息,以及诸如凯蒂·德马西(Katie DeMasi)之类的故事,凯蒂·德马西(Katie DeMasi)被诊断出患有霍奇金淋巴瘤。动人的故事记载了Demasi从医院病床的两侧学习有关癌症的。


Tweet them@LLSusa

St. Baldrick’s Foundation is a nonprofit organization that raises money for childhood cancers. You may have heard of them — they’re the ones that hold head shaving events designed to raise money and awareness for research efforts. On their blog, you’ll find plenty of information about childhood cancers, specifically leukemia. Perhaps most touching are the profiles of children living (and those who have lost their battles) with leukemia.


Tweet them@StBaldricks

米歇尔·拉斯穆森(Michele Rasmussen)在52岁时被诊断出患有慢性粒细胞性白血病。当她开始遇到一系列奇怪症状时,她知道可能有些不对劲,包括在胸腔下充满紧张而充实的感觉和增加的疲倦。她也很容易缠绕。后一种症状特别明显,因为米歇尔和她的丈夫是竞争性的舞者。她于2011年开始写博客,介绍她与CML和跳舞的旅程。最近,她一直在写博客,讲述了她的治疗副作用的最新经历,以及她的努力管理应该帮助她的药物。





Robyn Stoller是Cancerhawk的创始人,Cancerhawk是一个癌症倡导博客,您可以在其中找到信息和资源。该博客有一个专门用于“必须了解”信息的部分,您可以在其中隔离某些类型的癌症,包括白血病。在支持社区中,还有一些资源可以与癌症幸存者及其亲人建立联系。最近,关于击败赔率的鼓舞人心的故事在博客上分享了,这远非唯一值得的阅读。



Lisa Lee went to urgent care in 2013 with flulike symptoms. She had no idea that what she thought was a passing virus would change her life dramatically. That urgent care trip ended in a Chicago hospital where she was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia. Recently, she marked four years since that diagnosis, and posted a few updates to her blog about the occasion. Unlike most anniversaries, this one, for Lisa, was filled with tough lessons and fear. We like Lisa’s honesty and transparency in the face of cancer recovery.



