Colorectal canceris the third 美国最常见的癌症在美国对男女。

But in recent years, new advancements in early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer (also called colon cancer) show a promising future for patients and their families.

Experts provide an overview of what you can look forward to in the field of colorectal cancer treatment.

The death rate of colorectal cancer has been dropping for decades, according to the American Cancer Society 。In addition to new and improved colon cancer treatments, early detection is a big reason for this.


诊断阶段癌症的人有5年的相对生存率 14 percent , meaning that 14 out of 100 people who have stage 4 colon cancer are still alive after 5 years.

相比之下,患有1阶段癌症的人有5年的相对生存率 90 percent



常规筛查早期检测是关键鹿e colon cancer. The types of screening tests are:

Generally, it’s recommended that you start screening for colon cancer at 50 years old, if you’re at average risk for colon cancer.

But if you have a family history of colon cancer or other signs that indicate a higher risk for it, your doctor may recommend more frequent screenings starting from a younger age. You can talk with your doctor about when to start screening for colon cancer.

Colon cancer screenings are important because they allow doctors to look inside your colon to see how things are doing.

美国医师学院recommends fecal occult blood testing every 2 years, a colonoscopy every 10 years, or a sigmoidoscopy every 10 years plus FIT every 2 years if your CRC risk is greater than 3%. Try this 风险计算器 to determine your own risk level.




About5 to 10 percentof colon cancer cases are a result of a genetic mutation passed down from parents to children.

DNA测试is available that can help doctors learn whether you have a higher risk for developing colon cancer.

This testinginvolvestaking a sample of tissue from your blood or a polyp, or from a tumor if you’ve already received a colon cancer diagnosis.


For example, research 表明在结肠直肠癌手术期间去除足够的淋巴结有助于增加成功结果的可能性。

Recent advancements in minimally invasive surgery to remove polyps or cancerous tissue mean patients experience less pain and a shorter recovery period, while surgeons enjoy more precision.



“Many patients now go home in 1 or 2 days, compared to 5 to 10 days 20 years ago [with minimally invasive surgery],” says Dr. Conor Delaney, chairman of the Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic.


In recent years, targeted therapy has been used together with or instead of chemotherapy.


Additionally, they’re usually预订的for people with advanced colon cancer.



  • bevacizumab (Avastin)
  • cetuximab(erbitux)
  • panitumumab (Vectibix)
  • ramucirumab (Cyramza)
  • Regorafenib(Stivarga)
  • ziv-aflibercept(zaltrap)

Perhaps the most recent innovation in colon cancer treatment involves immunotherapy, which uses your body’s immune system to fight cancer.

For example, a colon cancer vaccine 正在开发出促进免疫系统对癌症的反应。但是结肠癌的大多数免疫治疗仍在临床试验中。


“The sequencing of the human genome has begun to yield great promise in earlier diagnosis and more targeted treatment of many types of malignancies, including colon cancer,” Kane says.




