March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in the United States.

结直肠癌是一种从消化系统下部开始的疾病。根据 美国癌症协会 , about 1 in 23 men and 1 in 25 women will develop this cancer at some point in their lives.

但是结直肠癌不仅会影响那些与之生活的人 - 这种疾病还对亲人和社区产生了连锁反应。

Getting involved in Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month gives everyone the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of this condition and work together to make a difference.


In 2000, former President Bill Clinton designated March as National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. It’s been going strong ever since.


Colorectal cancer costs lives. Every year, more than 50,000 people die of colon cancer in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).




  • 穿蓝丝带和鼓励对话abo血型ut colorectal cancer.
  • 与家人和朋友谈谈结直肠癌的现实,并在此过程中清除神话。
  • Hold an online educational event to discuss prevention and address concerns about screening.
  • 在社交媒体上发布有关该疾病的信息。
  • Share stories about how colorectal cancer has touched your life or what it was like to get screened.

Volunteer and raise money

Choose an advocacy organization or event that supports colon cancer awareness, education, and research. Then get in touch to explore ways you can help:

  • Ask about volunteer opportunities and legislative needs in your state.
  • See if the organization has materials you can help distribute, such as a Colorectal Awareness Month tool kit.
  • Make a donation to reputable organizations, if you’re able.
  • Raise money through online fundraising platforms and virtual events.

Take care of you

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month is also a time for people to focus on their own health, as it relates to colorectal cancer.

Here are some ways to take care of yourself this month:

  • Talk with your healthcare provider about whether your personal or family health history increases your risk of developing colorectal cancer.
  • Ask about ways you can lower your risk of colorectal cancer.
  • 如果是时候进行筛选了,请不要等待 - 与您的医疗保健提供不同的筛查测试的利弊,并将其放在日历上。

Colorectal screening saves lives.


尽管受到筛查的好处,但在美国,只有大约三分之二的成年人按计划进行建议的测试。 CDC .

Additional facts include:

  • 疾病预防控制中心(CDC)表示,全国约有14万人患结直肠癌。
  • 这种疾病患者的前景已经有了几十年的改善,这主要是由于筛查。
  • You can get colorectal cancer at any age, but more than 90 percent of people who develop the disease are at least 50 years old.
  • Precancerous polyps and early-stage colorectal cancers don’t always cause symptoms.
  • 血腥的粪便,腹痛和体重减轻是结直肠癌的症状。

Colorectal cancer screening tests look for cancer in people who don’t have symptoms. They can find and remove precancerous growths or early-stage cancers when they’re easier to treat.

Screening tests are often covered by health insurance.

人们在发展中colorecta平均风险l cancer, the美国预防服务工作队建议从50岁开始进行筛查,并持续为75岁。

Your doctor can make personalized recommendations on when you should get colorectal cancer screenings based on your:

  • 结直肠癌家族史
  • 个人病史
  • prior screening history
  • personal preferences
  • 预期寿命


Stool tests


  • 粪便免疫化学测试(FIT)。该测试使用抗体检测粪便中的血液,可能需要每年重复一次。
  • 基于GUAIAC的粪便隐匿血液检查(GFOBT)。该测试使用一种称为司机的化学物质来查看粪便中是否有血液。每年也可能需要重复它。
  • 粪便DNA测试(FIT-DNA)。This screening test looks for both blood and DNA mutations and usually needs to be repeated every 3 years.

If the results of any of these tests come back abnormal, your doctor may recommend that you get a colonoscopy.

Imaging tests

These tests can be performed in a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital on an outpatient basis. They involve some prep time and may require sedation.

  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy.For this test, a flexible tube called a sigmoidoscope is inserted through the anus and into the lower part of the colon to allow your doctor to see inside. If abnormal tissue is found, it can be removed during the exam, and you’ll probably need to follow up with a colonoscopy.
  • Virtual colonoscopy.该过程使用结肠和直肠的高级CT扫描来寻找异常。该测试的异常结果可能表明需要进行结肠镜检查。
  • Colonoscopy.This test also involves inserting a flexible tube through the anus, but the colonoscope is much longer and provides a view of the entire length of the colon. During this procedure, the doctor can take a biopsy or remove any polyps that are found.

If no abnormalities are found, you generally don’t need to repeat a flexible sigmoidoscopy or virtual colonoscopy for 5 years. A colonoscopy that finds no abnormalities typically only gets repeated after 10 years.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. It’s an opportunity to learn more about the disease and share what you know. It’s also a time to raise awareness for those who’ve been impacted about the disease, and potentially raise money for organizations working to advance research and treatments.

Colorectal cancer is typically slow growing. With proper screening and early diagnosis, the outlook for people with this disease is usually hopeful. In recent years, there have been promising advances in treatment options for colorectal cancers.

Talk with your doctor to see if and when you should get screened for colorectal cancer.