A hyperplastic polyp is a growth of extra cells that projects out from tissues inside your body. They occur in areas where your body has repaired damaged tissue, especially along yourdigestive tract。
- pedunculated:长而狭窄的蘑菇状茎
- sessile:shorter and squat-looking
- serrated:底部平坦,短而宽
结肠中具有多个增生性息肉被称为增生性息肉病。这种情况使您处于50 percent higher risk用于发展结直肠癌。
此外,研究建议that hyperplastic polyposis is more likely to develop into colon cancer if you have certain risk factors, including:
- being male
- being obese
- 吃很多红肉
- 没有足够的运动
- frequent, long-term tobacco smoking
- 定期喝酒
- having an inflammatory bowel condition, such as克罗恩病
- 右边有息肉(上升)结肠
Your cancer risk may be lower if you:
- use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),例如布洛芬(Advil)
- are receiving hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
- 在饮食中获得足够的钙
增生息肉也可能出现在您的胃中。实际上,他们是最常见的胃息肉类型。They’re usually benign and rarely develop into cancer.
Small stomach polyps are generally harmless and don’t cause noticeable symptoms. However, larger polyps may cause:
- 肚子痛
- 呕吐
- losing an unusual amount of weight
- 凳子上的鲜血
Your risk of getting stomach polyps increases as you get older. When it comes to developing a cancerous hyperplastic stomach polyp, the following things can increase your risk:
- having a stomach infection caused byHelicobacter pyloribacteria
- having a family history of cancerous stomach polyps
- 定期使用胃酸的药物,例如proton pump inhibitors
If your doctor finds stomach or colon polyps during a colonoscopy, their follow-up instructions may vary based on the size, location, and type of polyps that they found.
If you only have one small hyperplastic polyp in your colon or stomach, your doctor will likely do abiopsy,其中涉及从息肉中取出一个小组织样品并在显微镜下看。
If your doctor suspects that polyps are cancerous, they may schedule follow-up blood tests or antibody tests to confirm the diagnosis.
In many cases, your doctor can remove any large polyps that they find during a colonoscopy or stomach endoscopy with a device attached to the scope that enters your colon or stomach. Your doctor might also remove polyps if you have a lot of them.
In rare cases, you may need to schedule a separate appointment to remove them.
If a hyperplastic polyp is cancerous, your doctor will discuss the next steps for cancer treatment with you, including:
- partial or total colon removal
- partial or total stomach removal
- 化学疗法
- targeted drug therapy
Getting polyps removed before they become cancerouslowers your risk of developing colorectal or stomach cancer by almost 80 percent。