

There are two types of erythrocytosis:

  • 原发性红细胞增多症。This type is caused by a problem with cells in the bone marrow, where RBCs are produced. Primary erythrocytosis is sometimes inherited.
  • Secondary erythrocytosis.A disease or the use of certain drugs can cause this type.

根据A 2013 review 条件。患有继发性红细胞增多症的人数可能更高,但是很难获得确切的数字,因为可能有很多原因。

Erythrocytosis is sometimes referred to as多性炎症,但是条件略有不同:

  • Erythrocytosisis an increase in RBCs relative to the volume of blood.
  • Polycythemiais an increase in both RBC concentrationandhemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body’s tissues.

Primary erythrocytosis can be passed down through families. It’s caused by a mutation in genes that control how many RBCs your bone marrow makes. When one of these genes is mutated, your bone marrow will produce extra RBCs, even when your body doesn’t need them.

Another cause of primary erythrocytosis is polycythemia vera. This disorder makes your bone marrow produce too many RBCs. Your blood becomes very thick as a result.


  • smoking
  • 缺乏氧气,例如肺部疾病或高度高海拔
  • tumors
  • 类固醇和利尿剂等药物

Sometimes the cause of secondary erythrocytosis is unknown.


  • headaches
  • 头晕
  • shortness of breath
  • nosebleeds
  • 血压升高
  • blurred vision
  • 瘙痒

拥有太多的RBC也可以增加您的风险血块。如果凝块被扎在动脉或静脉中,它会阻塞血液流向您的心脏或大脑等必需器官。血流的阻塞会导致heart attackorstroke

您的医生将首先询问您的病史和症状。然后他们会执行physical exam




  • 分血器。This is the percentage of RBCs in your blood.
  • Hemoglobin.这是RBC中的蛋白质,它在整个体内携带氧气。

一个调用的测试脉搏血氧仪measures the amount of oxygen in your blood. It uses a clip-on device that’s placed on your finger. This test can show whether a lack of oxygen caused your erythrocytosis.

如果您的医生认为您的骨髓可能存在问题,那么他们可能会测试称为JAK2的基因突变。您可能还需要一个bone marrow aspirationorbiopsy。该测试可从骨骼内部清除组织,液体或两者的样品。然后在实验室中进行测试,以查看您的骨髓是否制造了太多的RBC。

You can also get tested for the gene mutations that cause erythrocytosis.


Treatments for erythrocytosis include:

  • Phlebotomy (also called venesection).该过程从您的身体中消除了少量血液以降低RBC的数量。您可能需要每周两次或更频繁地进行此治疗,直到您的病情受到控制为止。
  • Aspirin.服用低剂量每天的疼痛缓解器may help prevent blood clots.
  • Medications that lower RBC production.These include羟基脲(HYDERA),Busulfan(Myleran)和干扰素。

Often the conditions that cause erythrocytosis can’t be cured. Without treatment, erythrocytosis can increase your risk for blood clots, heart attack, and stroke. It can also increase your risk for白血病和其他类型的血癌。
