
  • EE是一种手术程序,用于治疗大脑或身体其他部位的血管异常。它阻止了流向受影响地区的血液。
  • 如果您患有脑动脉瘤,子宫肌瘤,循环系统异常生长,动静脉畸形或过度流鼻血,您的医生可能会推荐EE。
  • The procedure is usually successful. Your rate of recovery and long-term outlook will depend on the condition being treated with EE, as well as your general health.

Endovascular embolization (EE) is an invasive surgical procedure. It’s used to treat abnormal blood vessels found in your brain, as well as other areas of your body.

这个过程是一个替代开放手术。It blocks blood vessels to cut off blood flow to an affected area.

Your doctor may recommend EE if you experience one of the following conditions:



  • inform your doctor of any prescription, over-the-counter, and herbal medications you’re taking, including aspirin or other blood-thinning products
  • 让您的医生知道您是否定期喝酒
  • stop or reduce smoking if you smoke
  • 在手术之前避免吃和喝8个小时
  • 安排有人在您的手术后开车回家




  • 生物学上惰性的胶水,这意味着它们不与您的组织相互作用
  • tiny plastic particles that lodge tightly in your blood vessel
  • 泡沫
  • 金属线圈
  • 手术气球


The risks associated with this procedure include:

  • 经常性症状
  • bleeding into your brain
  • 切口现场出血
  • damage to the artery where the catheter is inserted
  • 阻塞材料的故障
  • an infection
  • 中风

This procedure is sometimes performed under全身麻醉。Anesthesia can have risks beyond those inherent in EE. Some potential but rare risks of anesthesia include:


Your rate of recovery will depend on your general state of health at the time of the procedure. Your underlying medical condition will also affect your recovery speed.

Your outlook depends on the condition being treated. Brain damage caused by bleeding before, during, or after the procedure may not be reversible.


Most often, EE is successful and has a good outcome. It can reduce your risk of bleeding from a burst aneurysm or other venous malformation. It can also decrease pain from tumors and make nosebleeds less frequent.