如果你是一个新的或准父母,你probably heard about the option of banking your baby’s cord blood at birth. The topic can be confusing, and you may have many unanswered questions.

You may be unsure exactly what cord banking involves, why people choose to bank their infant’s blood, whether it’s worth it to do so, and how much it costs to bank cord blood.

这是对潜在好处的简单细分cord blood banking以及如何确定这是否适合您的家人。


Healthcare professionals do not remove cord blood directly from babies or birthing parents. Rather, it comes from the umbilical cord and placenta themselves, according to the美国产科医生学院(ACOG)

The stem cells in umbilical cords and placentas are called hematopoietic stem cells. In people with certain health conditions, they can be used to produce healthy new cells and replace damaged cells.

Stem cells are used to treat over 70 types of diseases, according to ACOG. These include:

  • 遗传疾病
  • immune system conditions
  • 癌症,例如leukemiaandlymphoma
  • 神经系统疾病

You might choose to bank your newborn’s cord blood for several reasons.

First, you may choose to do so if you have a family member with a medical condition that might benefit from茎厘米/秒ldonation. Alternatively, you might want todonate your baby’s bloodto help another person in need of stem cells.




Instead, most cord blood transplants are allogeneic.

This means that your child’s stem cells would be used to treat another child or adult. It would require a strong match between the stem cell recipient (the person using the stem cells) and the stem cell donor (your child).


If you are storing your child’s blood at a private institution, you may be able to use the stem cells to directly benefit a family member in need, including a close family member or your child’s sibling.

Storing your baby’s cord blood in a public facility has benefits, too. Stem cells can help treat people with many types of health conditions, including cancers and certain metabolic and immunologic conditions, according to the卫生资源与服务管理

Stem cells vs. bone marrow


根据ACOG, these benefits include:

  • Cord blood is easier to collect than骨髓, and collection is less invasive or painful for the donor.
  • During cancer treatments, cord blood can strengthen the immune system overall.
  • 干细胞比骨髓具有更多的用途,因为供体和受体更容易匹配,并且身体通常拒绝干细胞移植。

If you want to have your newborn’s cord blood collected, you should inform your OB-GYN or birthing professional, such as a midwife, and the hospital or facility where you will give birth. They may need to order special equipment or a cord collecting kit.

Usually, you will need to inform your healthcare team of your choice to bank your infant’s blood about6 weeks在您的到期日之前。您还需要确保已签署所有必需的同意书。

Cord blood extraction happens in the hospital after birth and after a healthcare professional hasclamped and cutthe umbilical cord. They will then use a needle to draw blood out of the cord and store in a designated bag.

The entire process is quick — about10分钟- 并且不涉及与宝宝的直接接触。


  • 您分娩的设施不进行血绳提取。
  • Your insurance won’t cover the costs, and its cost is too expensive for you.
  • Healthcare professionals cannot take enough blood, which may happen if your baby is premature or if you have decided to delay clamping of the umbilical cord.
  • If an emergency occurs during or after birth, healthcare professionals may prioritize your and your baby’s health over cord blood banking.


The Academy of American Pediatrics (AAP)解释了某些认可的机构,监督了绳索血液存储的调节,并注意到某些私人血液库可能无法符合所有这些标准。


  • if the facility is accredited
  • whether they have electric system backups in case of equipment failure
  • 他们的成功移植率是多少

Cord blood bank accrediting institutions include:

  • 事实/联合认证委员会
  • NetCord/Foundation for Accreditation of Cell Therapy
  • American Association of Blood Banks



Private banks are usually used by parents who believe that their child’s cord blood may be helpful to a family member who has a medical condition.

They require you to pay on an ongoing basis for your child’s cord blood to be stored.

Not all private banks are accredited or regulated in the same way that public banks are.


Public banks are free and supported by government or private funds.

目前,有little evidencethat storing your child’s blood will help your own child fight a medical condition in the future. In fact, if your child needs stem cells to treat a condition, it’s more likely that they will receive a donation from a public cord bank.

When you donate to a public cord bank, you do not get to decide who will use your child’s blood. You are essentially donating your child’s cord blood to help a person in need.

公共线库are heavily regulated, and cord blood from these banks is used more frequently than cord blood from private banks. In fact, blood from public banks is used30 timesmore frequently than from private banks.

大多数主要的卫生组织 - 包括Academy of American PediatricsAmerican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists-recommend public cord blood banking.

Another reason these organizations recommend using public cord blood banks is that they are consistently and well regulated.



私人绳索银行generally charge an initial fee for collecting and processing cord blood. After these initial fees, you will also pay annual fees for ongoing storage. Private cord blood banks vary in their fee amounts, but they average about $2,000 for initial fees and between $100 and $175 each year for annual storage fees, per theAAP


Almost anyone can choose to donate their infant’s cord blood to a public bank. Doing so may help many people. While most medical institutions do not recommend private cord banking, this may be the right choice for you if you have a family member who might use the cord blood you bank to treat a health condition.
