What Is Aortic Valve Disease?

主动脉瓣病is a condition that occurs when your aorta (the main artery of your body) and left ventricle (the lower left chamber of your heart) malfunction. The aortic valve determines how blood flows from your left ventricle to your aorta.

There are two different types of aortic valve disease: aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation. In the case of aortic stenosis, the opening of your aortic valve is narrower than it should be resulting in restricted blood flow to the aorta. In aortic regurgitation, some of the blood leaks back into your left ventricle because your aortic valve doesn’t close tightly enough.


  • 肿胀的脚踝
  • fatigue
  • 气促
  • rapid or fluttering pulse

Aortic regurgitation can cause:

  • 通常在体育活动期间昏厥
  • coughing
  • 心悸

两种类型的主动脉瓣病可能需要多年才能出现。因此,如果您遇到这些症状并拥有 - 或者已经 - 或者有任何条件,您应该告诉您的医生 - 任何会让您面临其风险的条件(如风湿病或猩红热)。

Aortic Stenosis



Aortic Regurgitation

Aortic regurgitation shares some of the same causes as aortic stenosis, but it is sometimes caused by simple wear and tear. Your aortic valve opens and closes thousands of times per day. As time goes on, normal wear may cause the valve to malfunction. The worn valve may allow blood to flow back into your left ventricle.



Both types of aortic valve disease are diagnosed in similar ways. Your doctor will likely ask you questions about your health history, as well as the health history of your family. You doctor may order anelectrocardiogram,通常在办公室进行测试,从您的心中测量电动冲动,提供有关心脏节奏的信息,进行运动测试,以衡量您的心脏如何应对劳累,超声心动图,使用声波创建心脏和主动脉瓣的图像的测试。胸部X射线也常用于诊断主动脉瓣病。

Your doctor may suggest a cardiac catheterization if these tests don’t provide a definitive diagnosis. This procedure uses a dye to highlight any leaks in your heart valves. The dye is injected through a vein in your groin or arm and then tracked on a monitor as it moves through your heart. The doctor may also order a心脏玛格尼tic resonance imaging test使用磁场和无线电波以提供内心和主动脉根的详细照片。

There are currently no medications available to treat the valve problems of aortic stenosis or aortic regurgitation, but your doctor can prescribe medications that can help reduce the effects of the disease.


In the case of aortic regurgitation, medication can lower your blood pressure and prevent the buildup of fluid. If you have aortic stenosis, your doctor may recommend the use of drugs to control disturbances in your heart’s rhythm. Beta and calcium blockers can help with angina (chest pain). Your doctor may also prescribe statin drugs to lower your blood cholesterol levels.


While there are several surgical methods of treatment for aortic valve disease, the most common and most effective is aortic valve replacement. In this procedure, a surgeon will remove your damaged aortic valve and replace it with a new one from a human donor or a large animal, such as a cow or pig.


Rather than replace the valve, your surgeon may choose to repair it with a procedure called a valvuloplasty. Unlike valve replacement, this method does not require long-term use of medication after your operation.


You can take steps to lower your chances of developing aortic valve disease. To lower your risk of aortic valve disease, you should try the following:

Preventing rheumatic and scarlet fever

If you have a sore throat, you may want to have it checked by your doctor to make sure that it’s not strep throat. Strep throat could progress into something that could damage your heart.


Make sure that your teeth and gums are well cared for. This reduces the chance of bloodstream infections that cause endocarditis.

