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Chronic fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of long COVID. Lumi Nola/Getty Images
  • 专家们表示担心,越来越多的长途共同19岁的人(或长期共同)可能会创造出慢性疲劳综合征的新浪潮。
  • They say this increase could challenge the resources at healthcare facilities as well as family and friends of those with the syndrome.
  • 专家指出,对长期共同治疗的研究也可能有助于开发新的慢性疲劳疗法。

Covid-19之后的生活可能会构成一些重大挑战,专家警告说,可能有大量的人涌入chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue is one of the most通常报告的症状在长期相互企业的人中,专家说,越来越多的人应对COVID-19引起的疲劳的人可能会产生重大的社会影响。

“许多人在感染后可能患有疲劳,并且在初次感染后约40%的人可能会持续超过4周的疲劳,”Dean Blumberg博士加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校的小儿传染病主管告诉Healthline。雷竞技app官网



2021 study 从56个国家 /地区的56个国家中收集了3,000多人的信息,他们的症状持续了超过28天。

The researchers noted several similarities between long COVID and CFS.

At 6 months with long COVID, study participants reported three common symptoms: fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and post-exertional malaise (PEM).



The same study found that nearly half of the participants had to reduce their workload due to their symptoms, and 22 percent were unable to work at all.



“This will have implications for those affected individuals and how well they can work and be reintegrated into societal activities of all kinds, as well as the costs associated with caring for those individuals,” he added.

据估计 836,000和250万 美国的人们与CFS/ME一起生活,但其中许多人未被诊断。

Experts are currently debating whether those experiencing long COVID may also be experiencing CFS, or something else.

“有一些重叠,但我们不确定重叠位置以及长期covid-19的位置适合慢性疲劳,”Dr. Adupa Rao加利福尼亚州USC Covid Recovery Clinic的Keck医学的肺科医生和专家告诉Healthline。雷竞技app官网


Currently, there is no known cause or treatment for CFS/ME, but experts are hopeful that research into long COVID may provide some answers for those living with CFS/ME.

“因为一些症状are the same between CFS and long COVID, and because the cause may be similar in that both may be due to the immune responses following an acute infection, then increased understanding of the pathogenesis of long COVID may further our understanding of the causes of CFS,” Blumberg said. “Similarly, finding the best treatment outcomes for long COVID may translate to improved treatment of CFS.”

With potentially100万或更多专家说,受到持续疲劳的影响,持续的挑战是巨大的。


“Medical centers, such as my own, have actually created long COVID clinics as a means of trying to start to learn more about this syndrome, trying to help patients cope with the symptoms,” he said.

“We do know that many people do improve. Let’s work together to try to maximize your improvements… let’s try to restore as much function as we can. Although we can’t promise you how far you will come in the rehab, we can promise you, we’re here,” he said.