Experts are looking at “smarter” opioids, easier access to addiction treatment drugs, and training for doctors as potential ways to quell the opioid crisis.

Since 2000, there’s been a 200 percent surge in opioid-related overdose deaths in the United States. In 2016 alone, more than 63,000 people died from drug overdoses. More than 42,000 of them were opioid-related deaths, according to the 国家卫生统计中心 。现在有更多的阿片类药物成瘾死亡,而不是乳腺癌死亡。

There seems to be no doubt that the rate of opioid addictions and deaths is amajor problem在美国。可以做些什么来缓解这场危机?以下是2018年可能突破的一些潜在治疗方法。

A study published today in the journal Cell concludes that it’s possible to create pain-relieving opioids that don’t cause side effects. These side effects include anxiety, nausea, and dependency.




That way, the opioids only relieve pain and aren’t addictive.

Knowing that structure, Dr. Bryan Roth, a professor at UNC-Chapel Hill, said that drug-like compounds could be developed to be more selective to specific opioid receptors.

By targeting KORs, the few drugs that bind to it don’t lead to addiction or cause death due to overdose, Roth explained.


此外,琥珀C. Lindsey,LCDC-I,休斯顿泰勒回收中心的计划总监,告诉健康线雷竞技app官网vaccines目前正在开发用于靶向血液的阿片类药物,希望预防药物达到大脑并施加欣快效果。

Additionally, work is being done to explore the potential use of transcranial direct current stimulation, a noninvasive brain stimulation technique for treating opioid use disorder.


Remedying opioid addiction with medication-assisted treatment is the most promising avenue, says Andrew Kolodny, co-director of the Opioid Policy Research Collaborative at Brandeis University in Massachusetts.

First, he notes, the country must prevent people from becoming addicted. That requires being more cautious in prescribing opioids.



The country as a whole, Kolodny said, isn’t making it easy to access these addiction-defeating drugs.

Buprenorphine remains the best treatment for opioid addiction. It’ll soon be available as a每月注射so people don’t have to remember to take a pill daily.

However, Kolodny noted that although doctors can prescribe opioids, they’re more regulated when prescribing the treatment for opioid addiction.

Physicians must complete an eight-hour training to apply for permission to prescribe buprenorphine under The Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000.


Most of the doctors doing this don’t take insurance, so funding the treatment has to come out of pocket.

Another challenge to getting treatment is that many people with an opioid addiction don’t know that buprenorphine is an effective treatment, Kolodny said.

Along with buprenorphine, other FDA-approved options for treating opioid addiction include methadone and naltrexone.

Edwin A. Salsitz博士在纽约市北部贝特以色列成瘾医学专家博士表示,他们已经过度测试了有效和安全。


Methadone maintenance is helpful for people who don’t do well with buprenorphine. But people have to visit a clinic daily to receive that treatment.

Suboxone is another viable treatment akin to buprenorphine, Kolodny added.




While it’s more readily available, people saved by the Narcan antidote may simply overdose again.

“It’s too downstream an intervention,” Kolodny said. “If you save someone and you don’t treat them, you’re just going to have to treat them with it again.”


In addition, restrictions that limit buprenorphine access must be lifted.

Manufacturers must also be regulated, Kolodny added.


美国的制药研究和制造商(Phrma)与最近推出的成瘾政策论坛合作“Priorities to Address Addiction in America,“解决阿片类药物危机的倡议。

The plan attempts to pinpoint gaps in existing programs, boost education, and connect people to treatment, among other actions.



Among them are wider Narcan distribution, more funding for prevention and treatment, decreasing the importation of fentanyl into the United States, and decreasing societal issues that result in increased vulnerability to opioid addiction.

“There is no silver-bullet solution to the opioid epidemic,” Salsitz said. “A multipronged, multidimensional effort is required. Effective treatment exists. Greater accessibility is required.”

Mark W. Parrino, MPA, president of the American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (AATOD), told Healthline that it’ll be some time before Americans break free from opioid addiction.

他noted that the criminal justice system has been slow to provide treatment access — something that is changing slowly.


一个新项目有pre-prescription安装safeguards for doctors. It also bolsters the requirements to continue a prescription after one month, three months, and a year.