  • Research from the CDC has found that the mRNA vaccines, currently made only by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna for COVID-19, reduce the risk of infection by 91 percent in people who are fully vaccinated.
  • 他们还发现,它在部分接种疫苗的人中降低了81%的风险。
  • 这vaccines reduce the severity in illness in vaccinated people who still get COVID-19.
  • 这Johnson & Johnson vaccine isn’t an mRNA vaccine.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our冠状病毒枢纽并关注我们的live updates pagefor the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.


学习, which was released this month as a preprint on MedRxiv, also shows that the vaccines reduce the severity of illness in both fully and partially vaccinated people who develop COVID-19.

这vaccine clinical trials conducted in 2020 showed that the mRNA vaccines produced by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna were extremely effective at preventing COVID-19. Those findings are holding up in the real world as millions of people across the world get vaccinated.

“Now with the real life data we are seeing again and again in different studies that these vaccines are very effective,”Inci Yildirim博士,耶鲁医药疫苗学专家,儿科疾病专家,以及儿科副教授讲述了健康线条。雷竞技app官网

“Vaccinated individuals are protected from getting the infection and transmitting the infection to others.”

该研究评估了3975 healt的健康数据hcare workers, first responders, frontline workers, and essential workers.


这diagnostic tests were conducted via self-collected nasal swabs that were then tested in a laboratory for SARS-CoV-2. The positive tests were further studied to determine the amount of viral load in the person’s nose and the how long they were shedding virus.

这researchers evaluated the data according to the participants’ vaccination status, the local rate of COVID-19 in their communities, and how strictly the participants used personal protective equipment (PPE).



On average, vaccinated people who got COVID-19 spent about 6 fewer days feeling sick and 2 fewer days sick in bed. Compared to unvaccinated people, those who had one or both doses of the shots also had a up to a 66 percent lower chance of developing symptoms like fever and chills.

Other studies have found that vaccinated people who contract the coronavirus have lower viral loads 。As a result, they’re less likely to pass the virus to other people.


这findings add to a growing collection of evidence showing that mRNA shots are both safe and effective.

“Given what we already know from previous studies, these data are not surprising. These vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective at preventing infection with COVID-19,” saidDr. Annabelle de St. Maurice, an assistant professor of pediatrics and co-chief infection prevention officer at UCLA Health.



Choosing the right antigen (piece of the virus that the vaccine will help our bodies identify and attack) is crucial to the success of the vaccine, explained Yildirim.

“Spike protein that is the common target in both mRNA vaccines available has been studied since MERS and is a very good trigger for the immune system to get activated and produce neutralizing antibodies,” explained Yildirim.





This information will help inform future vaccination campaigns and tell us whether we’ll need booster shots.


“These vaccines are safe and highly effective. As we see more of a return to normal and opening of social gatherings and other activities this summer and fall, it will be increasingly important for people to be vaccinated,” said de St. Maurice.


这shots also reduce the severity in illness in vaccinated people who get COVID-19, compared to people who are unvaccinated. Researchers will need to continue to study the shots in the months and years ahead to understand their durability and whether we may need booster shots.