Drinking around the holidays can be fun, but for some it can bring on anxiety. Getty Images
  • 酒精激活GABA系统,使我们感到焦虑和放松。如果您停止饮酒,您的GABA系统仍然过于补偿并混合在一起,导致焦虑症激增。
  • Drinking can also impact your ability to get REM sleep, which can affect mood.
  • Alcohol can help trigger a chemical that impacts the “flight or flight” response leading to anxiety



In fact, the stretch before Christmas leading through New Year’s Day accounts for morebinge drinking根据American Addiction Centers


Yes, there are the standard hangover symptoms — pounding headaches, bouts of nausea, and an uncompromisable need for total silence — but many people also experience heightened levels of anxiety, a term the internet has dubbed “hangxiety.”

So, in light of the upcoming holidays — and, therefore, all the champagne and spiked eggnog you’re about to serve up — we wanted to get to the bottom of why drinking can give us more anxiety in the days that follow.

The mood fluctuations we feel after a couple of days or even a night of excessive drinking can be traced back togamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain.

Alcohol activates the GABA system (which, remember, is inhibitory), causing us to feel less anxious and relaxed (if you drink, you know the feeling).

“通过激活抑制性神经元,[酒精]使您不协调,它使您受到抑制 - 因此您会更健谈 - 这立即发生。”Dr. Stephen Holt, a Yale Medicine addiction medicine doctor.

However, if you drink multiple days in a row, and therefore activate the GABA system for an extended period of time, the GABA system starts to cool itself down.

“Your brain starts to say, ‘Oh! There’s this whole new thing in our brain now, we should make some changes,’” Holt said.

When you eventually stop drinking, your GABA system is still overcompensating and gets mixed up, leading to a spike in anxiety.

“When you take alcohol out of the system — it’s four days of binge drinking and now you’re not drinking alcohol — that [GABA] system is now revved up in such a way that you start to feel anxious if you don’t have alcohol in your system,” Holt said.

最重要的是,酒精会释放出内啡肽的激增 - 我们身体的自然鸦片 - 这给我们带来了良好的嗡嗡声。

When we drink for days in a row, our brain starts to expect this pleasurable substance all the time. And, without it, we can start to feel a bit blue.

霍尔特说:“我们使用烦躁不安的一词,这与欣快感相反。”“这只是这种空虚和感觉有些空洞的感觉 - 只是缺少的东西 - 因为酒精提供了这种令人愉悦,增强的效果。”

根据酒精也可以刺激约翰·克里斯塔尔博士, the chair of the department of psychiatry at Yale Medicine.

有些人可能会发现,一杯葡萄酒或啤酒will cause them to feel more stimulated. Krystal says this may be due to alcohol’s ability to increase norepinephrine levels in the body, which is a chemical involved in our body’s “fight or flight” response to fear or stress.

这匆忙的去甲肾上腺素可以在一次政变le of ways.




And when we don’t get the sleep we need, our mood can take a hit.

When we drink alcohol, our rapid eye movement, or REM sleep, is reduced. This matters because it’s the most important, restorative part of our sleep.

研究表明REM睡眠不佳与抑郁和焦虑的风险更高有关。另一方面,a deep, restorative sleep实际上,可能会使大脑过度活跃并减轻焦虑感。

“睡眠在情绪调节中很重要,突然被扔掉可以增加焦虑感。”杰西·华纳 - 科恩,博士,诺斯韦尔健康的高级心理学家。

According to Holt, whereas a hangover will usually stick with you for a few hours, that post-drinking anxiety may linger for a couple of days.

However, if you struggle with anxiety or have an anxiety disorder, that anxiety may last longer and end up being more severe than it was before drinking alcohol.


“有一些自然的方法可以减少焦虑感。锻炼是一个很棒的运动。即使您感到疲倦,也可以自然而然地振奋自己的心情。” Warner-Cohen说。


“Getting an actual full night’s sleep that includes REM sleep is very important to help people feel restored the next day, less anxious, less depressed, and more capable of getting done what needs to be done,” Holt said.

Deep breathing exercisescan also help soothe your nerves. There’s plenty of evidence pointing to deep breathing’s ability to boost feelings of comfort and downplay symptoms of anxiety, arousal, and confusion.

Many health experts recommend the4-7-8方法,在其中慢慢吸气4秒钟,屏住呼吸7秒,然后逐渐呼气8秒钟。

听您的身体 - 您比其他任何人都更了解它。

If you feel the anxiety building, or strong, persistent urges to drink, reach out for help. There are a lot of treatments available for both anxiety and alcohol use disorders that are worth looking into if you sense an issue unfolding.

With the holidays upon us, you may notice that all that spiked eggnog and champagne toasts may not only give you a painful hangover, but severe symptoms of anxiety as well.


Though the anxiety may linger for a few days, sleep, exercise, and deep breathing exercises can help you overcome the anxious aftershock that follows a few days of heavy drinking.