If you’re interested in trying breathing exercises to reduce stress or anxiety, or improve your lung function, we’ve got 10 different ones to sample. You may find that certain exercises appeal to you right away. Start with those so that the practice is more enjoyable.

How to add breathing exercises to your day


  • Begin with just 5 minutes a day, and increase your time as the exercise becomes easier and more comfortable.
  • If 5 minutes feels too long, start with just 2 minutes.
  • 每天练习多次。安排时间或练习有意识的呼吸。

This simple breathing technique makes you slow down your pace of breathing by having you apply deliberate effort in each breath.

You can练习嘴唇呼吸随时。在诸如弯曲,举起或爬楼梯之类的活动中,它可能特别有用。

Practice using this breath 4 to 5 times a day when you begin in order to correctly learn the breathing pattern.


  1. 放松你的脖子和肩膀。
  2. 保持嘴巴闭合,通过鼻子缓慢吸气2个计数。
  3. Pucker or purse your lips as though you were going to whistle.
  4. Exhale slowly by blowing air through your pursed lips for a count of 4.



When you begin you may feel tired, but over time the technique should become easier and should feel more natural.


  1. Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent and your head on a pillow.
  2. 您可以将枕头放在膝盖下方以进行支撑。
  3. 将一只手放在上胸部,一只手放在肋骨笼子下方,使您感觉到隔膜的运动。
  4. 慢慢地从鼻子吸气,感觉到胃在手中。
  5. 尽可能保持另一只手。
  6. 呼气使用紧闭的嘴唇当您收紧胃肌肉时,使您的肌肉完全保持静止。

You can place a book on your abdomen to make the exercise more difficult. Once you learn how to do belly breathing lying down you can increase the difficulty by trying it while sitting in a chair. You can then practice the technique while performing your daily activities.


您可以选择一个让您微笑,感到放松或简直令人中性地思考的焦点词。示例包括和平,,,,放手, 或者放松,,,,but it can be any word that suits you to focus on and repeat through your practice.

As you build up your breath focus practice you can start with a 10-minute session. Gradually increase the duration until your sessions are at least 20 minutes.


  1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable place.
  2. Bring your awareness to your breaths without trying to change how you’re breathing.
  3. Alternate between normal and deep breaths a few times. Notice any differences between normal breathing and deep breathing. Notice how your abdomen expands with deep inhalations.
  4. 请注意,与深呼吸相比,呼吸的感觉浅。
  5. Practice your deep breathing for a few minutes.
  6. Place one hand below your belly button, keeping your belly relaxed, and notice how it rises with each inhale and falls with each exhale.
  7. Let out a loud sigh with each exhale.
  8. Begin the practice of breath focus by combining this deep breathing with imagery and a focus word or phrase that will support relaxation.
  9. 您可以想象,吸气的空气会带来整个身体的和平与平静的浪潮。精神上说:“吸入和平与平静。”
  10. Imagine that the air you exhale washes away tension and anxiety. You can say to yourself, “Exhaling tension and anxiety.”

Lion’s breath is an energizing yoga breathing practice that is said to relieve tension in your chest and face.

It’s also known in yoga as Lion’s Pose or simhasana in Sanskrit.

到do this:

  1. 来在一个舒适的位置。你可以年代it back on your heels or cross your legs.
  2. 用手指张开,将手掌压在膝盖上。
  3. 深深地通过鼻子吸气,睁开眼睛。
  4. At the same time, open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue, bringing the tip down toward your chin.
  5. Contract the muscles at the front of your throat as you exhale out through your mouth by making a long “ha” sound.
  6. You can turn your gaze to look at the space between your eyebrows or the tip of your nose.
  7. Do this breath 2 to 3 times.

交替的鼻孔呼吸,在梵语中被称为Nadi Shodhana Pranayama,是一种放松的呼吸习惯。


Nadi shodhana is best practiced on an empty stomach. Avoid the practice if you’re feeling sick or congested. Keep your breath smooth and even throughout the practice.

到do this:

  1. 选择一个舒适的座位位置。
  2. Lift up your right hand toward your nose, pressing your first and middle fingers down toward your palm and leaving your other fingers extended.
  3. 呼气后,用右手拇指轻轻关闭右鼻孔。
  4. Inhale through your left nostril and then close your left nostril with your right pinky and ring fingers.
  5. Release your thumb and exhale out through your right nostril.
  6. 通过右鼻孔吸气,然后关闭此鼻孔。
  7. 释放手指以打开左鼻孔,并通过这一侧呼气。
  8. 这是一个周期。
  9. Continue this breathing pattern for up to 5 minutes.
  10. 用左侧的呼气完成您的会议。

同等的呼吸被称为梵语中的萨马·弗里特(Sama Vritti)。这种呼吸技术着重于使您的吸入和呼气相同的长度。使您的呼吸顺利而稳定可以帮助实现平衡和平等。

You should find a breath length that is not too easy and not too difficult. You also want it to be too fast, so that you’re able to maintain it throughout the practice. Usually, this is between 3 and 5 counts.

Once you get used to equal breathing while seated you can do it during your yoga practice or other daily activities.


  1. 选择一个舒适的座位位置。
  2. Breathe in and out through your nose.
  3. Count during each inhale and exhale to make sure they are even in duration. Alternatively, choose a word or short phrase to repeat during each inhale and exhale.
  4. You can add a slight pause or breath retention after each inhale and exhale if you feel comfortable. (Normal breathing involves a natural pause.)
  5. 继续练习这种呼吸至少5分钟。


以这种速度呼吸可最大化您的心率变异性(HRV),减轻压力,并根据一个2017年研究,,,,can reduce symptoms of depression when combined with Iyengar yoga.

到do this:

  1. 吸气5。
  2. 呼气为5。
  3. 继续这种呼吸模式至少几分钟。


Slightly extend your breath in length but don’t force it. Since you inhale through your mouth during Sitali breath, you may want to choose a place to practice that’s free of any allergens that affect you and air pollution.

到do this:

  1. 选择一个舒适的座位位置。
  2. Stick out your tongue and curl your tongue to bring the outer edges together.
  3. If your tongue doesn’t do this, you can purse your lips.
  4. Inhale through your mouth.
  5. Exhale out through your nose.
  6. Continue breathing like this for up to 5 minutes.

Deep breathing通过防止空气被困在肺部并帮助您呼吸更多新鲜空气来帮助缓解呼吸急促。它可能会帮助您感到更放松和集中。

到do this:

  1. While standing or sitting, draw your elbows back slightly to allow your chest to expand.
  2. Take a deep inhalation through your nose.
  3. Retain your breath for a count of 5.
  4. 通过鼻子呼气缓慢释放呼吸。

The unique sensation of this yoga breathing practice helps to create instant calm and is especially soothing around your forehead. Some people use humming bee breath to relieve frustration, anxiety, and anger. Of course, you’ll want to practice it in a place where you are free to make a humming sound.

到do this:

  1. 选择一个舒适的座位位置。
  2. Close your eyes and relax your face.
  3. 将第一根手指放在特拉格斯软骨上,部分覆盖了耳道。
  4. 吸气,当您呼气时,将手指轻轻地压入软骨。
  5. Keeping your mouth closed, make a loud humming sound.
  6. 继续持续舒适。

You can try most of these breath exercises right away. Take the time to experiment with different types of breathing techniques. Dedicate a certain amount of time at least a few times per week. You can do these exercises throughout the day.

Check in with your doctor if you have any medical concerns or take any medications. If you want to learn more about breathing practices you can consult a respiratory therapist or a yoga teacher who specializes in breathing practices. Discontinue the practice if you experience any feelings of discomfort or agitation.