手腕将手连接到前臂。它由半径和尺骨骨头的远端,八个腕骨以及五个metacarpal骨骼的近端组成。这种骨骼的布置可以进行广泛的运动。手腕可以弯曲,伸直,横向移动并旋转。它相对容易受伤。力或压力会伤害任何骨骼。断裂是一种常见的伤害。它涉及肿胀和疼痛。在严重的骨折中,也可能进行弯曲或变形。使用X射线或CT扫描评估断裂。 Treatment involves immobilizing the bones while they set. This may require stabilization with pins or screws. Repetitive stress is another condition that affects the wrist. It can be caused by typing, sports, or other activities that involve repetitive motions. Repetitive stress can cause the carpal tunnel to become thickened and inflamed. The carpal tunnel is a tube of nerves and tendons that passes through the wrist. Tendinitis, sprains, and strain are other common injuries, which affect the connective tissues of the wrist. Wrist pain may also result from medical conditions, such as osteoporosis. This condition decreases bone density and increases the risk of fracture. The wrist can also be affected by arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. These conditions involve swelling of the joints from various causes. Arthritis can worsen with age.