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Many people getbitten by mosquitoseach year, but bites can affect people differently. When mosquitoes bite, they draw out blood while injecting some of their saliva. Their saliva contains an anticoagulant and proteins.



When an irritating bite does appear, it’s good to know what remedies work to ease the itchiness.


Why do mosquito bites itch more after you scratch them?



当你抓蚊子的叮咬,这导致skin to become even more inflamed. Since inflammation causes your skin to itch, you can get into a cycle where scratching will cause even more of an itchy sensation. In addition, by continuing to scratch you run the risk of breaking the skin and causing an infection, leading to even more of an itch.

Debra Sullivan, PhD, MSN, CNE, COI Answers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice.

It may take a little experimentation to see what works best for you and your bite. Most of these remedies can be used as many times as needed to soothe the area. For medications, follow the instructions on the bottle.

如果您在蚊子咬人后不久就咬了一口,请迅速擦拭咬伤rubbing alcohol。摩擦酒精干燥时会产生冷却效果,这可能会减轻瘙痒。避免使用过多的酒精,因为它会刺激皮肤。

Honey是一种具有伤口愈合特性的抗菌和抗菌成分。它的 shown to reduce inflammation and can also help prevent infection. Don’t wear it outside, though, because the honey’s sugar can attract more mosquitoes.

Read more: Honey for allergies »

麦片has active properties that help soothe insect bites and allergic reactions, chicken pox, and dry skin. You can add oatmeal to a bath or apply it as a mask on your bug bite. Make a paste by adding a little water to colloidal oatmeal and apply to the affected area. Wash it off with warm water after 15 minutes. You can also add honey to your paste for extra benefits. Moisturize with a cream after.

Greenandblack tea’s抗流效果可能不仅有用眼睛肿了。茶的抗炎作用可能有助于肿胀。浸泡一袋绿茶或红茶,然后将其放入冰箱中以冷却。将冷茶袋涂在咬合上以减轻痒感。

Basil has chemical compounds that can relieve itchy skin. You can applybasil oillike a lotion or make your own at home. To make your own rub, boil 2 cups of water and 1/2 an ounce of dried basil leaves. After the mixture cools, dip a washcloth into the pot and apply it on the affected area. For a more immediate treatment, chop up fresh basil leaves and rub them on your skin.

Antihistamineshelp lower the histamine count in your body and reduce inflammation. These are available over the counter and help with itchiness and swelling. You can take them orally (Benadrylor Claritin) or apply topically (calamine lotion) over the affected area.

利多卡因andbenzocaineare numbing agents in over-the-counter creams. They offer temporary relief from itchiness and pain. For extra benefits, look forcreamsthat contain menthol or peppermint.


医生推荐皮质类固醇面霜for itching. These creams are known to help with inflammation for skin irritations, but avoid using them on open wounds or on your face. Long-term use can also cause side effects like thinning or worsening of skin, excessive hair growth, and acne.

有些面霜由于伤口愈合和抗病毒特性而使用大蒜提取物。但是不要直接在皮肤上擦大蒜。生大蒜会增加皮肤刺激和炎症。相反,用稀释大蒜稀释coconut oiland apply that to the affected area for a few minutes.


  • 小苏打
  • 柠檬或酸橙汁
  • toothpaste
  • vinegar

If your bite causesanaphylaxisseek medical attention. Anaphylactic shock is a life-threatening condition. You can tell if someone is having this reaction if they:

  • break out in hives
  • 开始喘息
  • have difficulty breathing
  • feel as if their throat is closing up

Someone in anaphylactic shock will need an EpiPen injection. But anaphylactic shock for a mosquito bite is rare and more commonly caused by otherstinging insects

Read more: First aid for bites and stings »

For other people, mosquito bites can cause more serious symptoms, such as:

  • blisters,
  • 病变
  • hives
  • high fever
  • 关节肿胀


如果你会去某些国家,它的a good idea to see a doctor. Seeing a doctor is also important if you’ve been living or traveling in certain areas of the world where bloodborne diseases like Zika and malaria are common. Mosquitos can spread these diseases from person to person. There are vaccines available for some of these diseases.

A mosquito bite can last for hours to a few days. The length of a mosquito bite and its symptoms vary depending on the size of the bite and the person’s immune system. Itching or scratching the bite can increase the length of time it lasts.

有时,蚊子叮咬会在瘙痒和咬伤本身褪色后很长时间留下小小的黑暗痕迹。皮肤敏感的人往往会有这些挥之不去的标记,但不必是永久的。避免色素沉着, look for creams with vitamin C, E, or niacinamide. Don’t forget to applySPF 30 sunscreenon areas exposed to the sun.

The best way to avoid mosquito bites is preparation and prevention. Useinsect repellantif you are going to places where mosquitos are. Natural insect repellants are effective, but you may want to use commercial ones if you are traveling to another country.

Limiting or avoiding exposure to certain things may help minimize your risk for mosquito bites. Below is a list of things known to attract mosquitos:

  • sweat and body odor
  • light
  • heat
  • 乳酸
  • carbon dioxide

Alcohol intake is also shown to be associated with a higher probability of being bitten. You may want to avoid drinking the night before you’ll be in an area with mosquitos. It may also be a good idea to keep some travel-size aloe vera and酒精湿巾便利。

Keep reading: 10 natural ingredients that double as mosquito repellants »