Sexual dysfunction occurs when you have a problem that prevents you from wanting or enjoying sexual activity. Sexual dysfunction is different from无性。It can happen anytime. People of all ages experience sexual dysfunction, although the chances increase as you age.

Stress is a common cause of sexual dysfunction. Other causes include:

  • sexual trauma
  • psychological issues
  • 糖尿病
  • heart disease or other medical conditions
  • 用药
  • 酒精使用
  • certain medications

Four categories of sexual dysfunction exist. It’s normal not to be in the mood sometimes. None of these should be considered a disorder unless it happens regularly and significantly affects your sexual life:

  • Desire disorder is when you have little or no interest in sexual relations on an ongoing basis.
  • 唤醒障碍意味着你在情绪上的情绪,但你的身体不在其中。
  • Orgasm disorder means you’re emotionally in the mood, but you have an inability to climax that leaves you frustrated.
  • Pain disorder involves having pain during intercourse.

Low testosterone can cause a loss of libido, or sexual desire for any person. For those with female reproductive organs, other contributing factors include:

  • hormonal changes following childbirth
  • breast-feeding
  • 绝经


  • 高血压
  • 糖尿病
  • certain medications
  • 关系问题
  • sexual inhibitions
  • stress
  • fatigue
  • 害怕怀孕


  • 血流问题
  • a nerve disorder
  • an injury to the penis
  • 心理问题,像压力或抑郁症
  • relationship issues
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • 久病
  • 一些药物

Ongoing ED can cause anxiety.


  • other psychological stressors
  • sexual inhibitions
  • nerve damage
  • spinal cord damage
  • certain medications

Impaired ejaculation occurs when you can’t ejaculate at all. Retrograde ejaculation can happen in people with penises, particularly in those who also have diabetic neuropathy.


Many things can cause pain during sexual activity. Inadequate lubrication and tense vaginal muscles make penetration painful. Involuntary vaginal muscle spasms, orvaginismus,可以使性交受伤。这些可能是神经系统,泌尿道或肠道疾病的症状。

这hormonal changes of绝经可以让性交不舒服。雌激素水平下降可能导致生殖器区域中的皮肤稀释。它还可以薄阴道衬里和减少润滑。


According toHarvard Medical School,女性性反应的标准不可能可测量,基于质量。基本上,如果您对性生活满意,即使您没有orgasms,您也没有性功能障碍。



Your doctor will begin with a physical exam. Depending on the outcome, this may be followed by a diagnostic testing. If they don’t find a physical cause, consider seeing a therapist.

Treatment depends on the specific cause. Sometimes, treating an underlying medical condition will resolve the situation. In some cases, switching medications may work.


Lubricating gels or creams or hormone therapy may solve the problem of vaginal dryness.

Psychological counseling may help. A therapist can teach you how to cope with stress and anxiety. Joint counseling with your partner can help improve communication and increase intimacy.

Sometimes, support and education about sexual behavior are all that you need. You can address body image and other inhibitions in counseling. For deeply rooted sexual dysfunction, psychotherapy may be necessary.

通常,不再是一种性功能障碍的推移,the more your level of stress and anxiety rises. This can perpetuate the problem. Most of the time, the outlook for people with sexual dysfunction is quite good. However, some medical conditions make it more difficult to overcome.

You can reverse sexual dysfunction due to stress or temporary circumstances if you approach them openly. Deep-seated psychological issues may take longer to manage or may never fully resolve, but you can improve them.

沟通很重要。如果您有任何类型的性功能障碍,请与您的伴侣交谈。不要犹豫,寻求医疗建议。这National Institutes of Health敦促被侵犯的受害者寻求咨询。

