

When ADH (also called vasopressin) is produced in excess, the condition is called syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). This overproduction can occur in places other than the hypothalamus.

SIADH使身体释放窟更难er. Additionally, SIDAH causes levels of electrolytes, like sodium, to fall as a result of water retention. A low sodium level or hyponatremia is a major complication of SIADH and is responsible for many of the symptoms of SIADH. Early symptoms may be mild and include cramping, nausea, and vomiting. In severe cases, SIADH can cause confusion, seizures, and coma.

Treatment usually begins with limiting fluid intake to prevent further buildup. Additional treatment will depend on the cause.


A variety of conditions can trigger abnormal ADH production, including:

  • brain infections
  • 大脑或周围流血
  • 头部外伤
  • 脑积水
  • Guillian-Barre syndrome
  • 多发性硬化症
  • 感染包括艾滋病毒和落基山斑点发烧
  • 肺癌或胃肠道或泌尿生殖道的癌症,淋巴瘤,肉瘤
  • 肺部感染
  • 哮喘
  • cystic fibrosis
  • 药物
  • 麻醉
  • 遗传因素
  • 结节病

SIADH makes it difficult for your body to get rid of excess water. This causes a buildup of fluids as well as abnormally low sodium levels.

Symptoms may be mild and vague at first, but tend to build. Severe cases may involve these symptoms:

  • 烦躁和不安
  • loss of appetite
  • 抽筋
  • nausea and vomiting
  • muscle weakness
  • confusion
  • 幻觉
  • personality changes
  • 癫痫发作
  • 昏昏欲睡
  • 昏迷


Blood tests, specifically one called an ADH test, can measure circulating ADH levels in the blood, but it’s very difficult to obtain an accurate level. According to theUniversity of Rochester Medical Center,ADH的正常值范围为每毫升0-5个皮克图。较高的水平可能是SIADH的结果。大多数SIADH病例都使用血清和尿液和渗透压值以及临床表现来准确诊断。

Following diagnosis of SIADH, the next step will be to identify the condition that caused it to occur.

