What is sensorineural hearing loss?


Frequencies measure sound waves. Decibels measure the intensity, or loudness, of the sounds we hear. Zero is the lowest decibel level, which is close to complete silence. A whisper is 30 decibels, and normal speech is 60 decibels. A loss of 30 decibels in three connected frequencies is considered SSHL. This means that a hearing loss of 30 decibels would make normal speech sound like a whisper.

有关于4,000 cases美国每年诊断出的SSHL。这种情况最常影响30至60岁之间的人。如果迅速治疗,约有50%的单侧SSHL(仅受到一只耳朵受影响)恢复。关于15%of people with the condition have hearing loss that gradually gets worse over time. But, advances in technology used for hearing aids and cochlear implants are helping to improve communication for people affected by hearing loss.





  • malformation of the inner ear
  • 头部受伤或创伤
  • prolonged exposure to loud noise
  • neurologic conditions, such asmultiple sclerosis
  • 免疫系统疾病,例如Cogan综合征
  • Meniere disease,这是一种影响内耳的疾病
  • 莱姆病,这是一种传染病,经常通过滴答叮咬传播
  • ototoxic medication, which can harm the ear
  • venom from a snake bite
  • blood circulation problems
  • 组织生长或肿瘤异常
  • blood vessel disease
  • 老化


Babies can be born with SSHL. This may happen as a result of:

  • 从母亲传给孩子的感染,例如风疹,syphilis, or疱疹
  • 弓形虫弓形虫,那是通过子宫的寄生虫
  • genetic, or inherited, factors
  • low birth weight

只有一只耳朵的10人中,大约有10人中有10人的听力损失。您可能会注意到hearing lossright after you wake up in the morning. You may also become aware of it when you use headphones or hold a phone to your affected ear. Sudden hearing loss is sometimes preceded by a loud popping sound. Other symptoms include:

  • trouble following group conversations
  • muffled conversation sounds
  • 当有很多背景噪音时,无法听到很好的声音
  • 很难听到高音调的声音
  • dizziness
  • 平衡问题
  • tinnitus, which occurs when you hear ringing or buzzing sounds in your ear



  • 似乎不了解语言
  • 不要试图形成单词
  • don’t appear to startle at sudden noises or respond to sounds in a way you would expect
  • 有很多耳朵感染或平衡问题

To diagnose SSHL, your doctor will ask you about your medical history and perform a physical exam. Make sure to tell your doctor about other medical conditions you may have and about any over-the-counter and prescription medications you’re taking.


听力计tests can check your hearing more thoroughly and precisely. During these tests, an audiologist will test your hearing ability using earphones. A series of different sounds and volume levels may be sent to each ear individually. This can help determine the level at which your hearing begins to fade.

An核磁共振成像扫描may also be ordered to look for any abnormalities in your ear, such as tumors or cysts. MRI takes detailed pictures of your brain and inner ear, which can help your doctor find the underlying cause of SSHL.


灭菌oids are the most common treatment. They can reduce inflammation and swelling. This is especially helpful in people who have diseases of the immune system, such as Cogan syndrome. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics if an infection is the cause of your SSHL.

In some cases, a doctor can surgically insert a cochlear implant into your ear. The implant doesn’t completely restore hearing, but it can amplify sounds to a more normal level.

了解更多:基因疗法使耳蜗植入ore effective »

大约三分之二的SSHL患者会局部恢复其听力。 一项研究 发现在治疗的前10天,有54.5%的SSHL患者至少显示出部分恢复。与在所有频率中听力损失的人相比,经历高频听力损失或低频听力损失的个人的恢复更为完整。只有大约3.6%的SSHL患者将完全恢复他们的听力。老年人和患有眩晕的人康复的可能性较小。

Hearing aids and telephone amplifiers can help if your hearing doesn’t improve. Sign language and lip reading can also improve communication for people with severe hearing loss.