What is age-related hearing loss?

As you age, you experience a number of changes in the way your body functions.听力损失might be one of these changes.

衰老造成的听力损失是影响许多老年人的常见状况。几乎1 in 2 adults超过65岁以上的听力损失。


Age-related hearing loss occurs gradually over time. Various changes in the inner ear can cause the condition. These include:

  • changes in the structures of the inner ear
  • changes in blood flow to the ear
  • impairment in the nerves responsible for hearing
  • 大脑处理语音和声音的方式变化
  • damage to the tiny hairs in the ear that are responsible for transmitting sound to the brain

Age-related hearing loss can also be caused by other issues, including:

  • diabetes
  • 可怜的circulation
  • exposure to loud noises
  • use of certain medications
  • 听力损失的家族史
  • smoking



  • certain sounds seeming overly loud
  • difficulty hearing in areas that are noisy
  • difficulty hearing the difference between “s” and “th” sounds
  • 耳朵响起
  • turning up the volume on the television or radio louder than normal
  • 要求人们重复自己
  • being unable to understand conversations over the telephone



If your doctor can’t find another cause of your symptoms, they may diagnose you with age-related hearing loss. They may refer you to a hearing specialist called an audiologist. The audiologist can perform ahearing test帮助确定发生了多少听力损失。

There is no cure for age-related hearing loss. If you’re diagnosed with this condition, your doctor will work with you to improve your hearing and quality of life. Your doctor may recommend:

  • hearing aids to help you hear better
  • assistive devices, such as telephone amplifiers
  • lessons in sign language or lip reading (for severe hearing loss)

In some cases, your doctor may recommend a cochlear implant. This is a small electronic device that’s surgically implanted into your ear. Cochlear implants can make sounds somewhat louder, but they don’t restore normal hearing. This option is only used for people who are severely hard of hearing.



You may not be able prevent age-related hearing loss. However, you can take steps to keep it from getting worse. If you experience age-related hearing loss, try these tips:

  • Avoid repetitive exposure to loud sounds.
  • 在声音响亮的地方穿耳朵保护。
  • Control your blood sugar if you have diabetes.
