

Rickets is a skeletal disorder that’s caused by a缺乏维生素D,钙或磷酸盐。这些营养素对于发展坚固,健康的骨骼很重要。有rick鼠的人可能有弱和柔软的骨骼,发育不良的生长,在严重的情况下,骨骼畸形。


A vitamin D deficiency makes it difficult for your body to maintain sufficient levels of calcium and phosphate. When this occurs, your body produces hormones that cause calcium and phosphate to be released from your bones. When your bones lack these minerals, they become weak and soft.

在6到36个月大的儿童中,Rickets最常见。Children are at the highest risk of rickets because they’re still growing. Children might not get enough vitamin D if they live in a region with little sunlight, follow a vegetarian diet, or don’t drink milk products. In some cases, the condition is hereditary.

Rickets is rare in the United States. Rickets used to be more common, but it mostly disappeared in developed countries during the 1940s due to the introduction of fortified foods, such as cereals with added vitamin D.

Risk factors for rickets include the following:




You have a higher risk of developing rickets if you eat a vegetarian diet that doesn’t include fish, eggs, or milk. You’re also at an increased risk if you have trouble digesting milk or have an allergy to milk sugar (lactose). Infants who are only fed breast milk can become deficient in vitamin D as well. Breast milk doesn’t contain enough vitamin D to prevent rickets.

Skin color






Symptoms of rickets include:

  • pain or tenderness in the bones of the arms, legs, pelvis, or spine
  • 发育不良的生长和矮小的身材
  • 骨折
  • 肌肉痉挛
  • teeth deformities, such as:
    • 延迟形成牙齿
    • 搪瓷孔
    • 脓肿
    • defects in the tooth structure
    • an increased number of cavities
  • 骨骼畸形,包括:
    • an oddly shaped skull
    • 弓形或鞠躬的腿
    • 胸腔中的颠簸
    • 突出的胸骨
    • a curved spine
    • 骨盆畸形


Your doctor may be able to diagnose rickets by performing a physical examination. They will check for tenderness or pain in the bones by lightly pressing on them. Your doctor may also order certain tests to help make a rickets diagnosis, including:

  • blood tests to measure the levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood
  • bone X-raysto check for bone deformities

In rare cases, a骨活检将被执行。这涉及去除一小部分骨头,该部分将发送到实验室进行分析。

Treatment for rickets focuses on replacing the missing vitamin or mineral in the body. This will eliminate most of the symptoms associated with rickets. If your child has a vitamin D deficiency, your doctor will likely want them to increase their exposure to sunlight, if possible. They will also encourage them to consume food products high in vitamin D, such as fish, liver, milk, and eggs.

钙和维生素D补充剂can also be used to treat rickets. Ask your doctor about the correct dosage, as it can vary based on the size of your child. Too much vitamin D or calcium can be unsafe.



Increasing vitamin D, calcium, and phosphate levels will help correct the disorder. Most children with rickets see improvements in about one week.

Skeletal deformities will often improve or disappear over time if rickets is corrected while the child is still young. However, skeletal deformities can become permanent if the disorder isn’t treated during a child’s growth period.


也可以通过适度的阳光来防止rick鼠。根据National Health Service of England (NHS), you only need to expose your hands and face to sunlight a few times a week during the spring and summer months to prevent rickets.

大多数成年人都可以接触到阳光。重要的是要注意,太多的阳光会损害您的皮肤,并且sunscreen应该应用于预防烧伤和皮肤损伤。Sometimes, the use of sunscreen can prevent your skin from producing vitamin D, so it’s beneficial to eat foods that contain vitamin D or to take vitamin D supplements. These preventive measures can significantly lower your risk of developing rickets.