
  • cause twisting motions in one or more parts of your
  • 导致你采用异常姿势

The most commonly affected body parts include your head, neck, trunk, and limbs. While dystonia can be mild, it can also be severe enough to affect your quality of life.

肌张力障碍可以以不同的方式影响你。肌肉contractions can:

  • 从一个区域开始,例如你的手臂,腿或
  • happen during a specific action, such as
  • 当你感到疲倦,强调或
  • become more noticeable over time

There are three main categories of dystonia:

  • Focal: Thisis the most common type
  • 广义:这种类型影响你的大多数
    body, or your entire body.
  • 分段:此类型影响附近两种或更多种
    parts of your body.


Associated Conditions

Certain medical conditions that affect your brain and nerve function are associated with dystonia. These conditions include:

  • encephalitis
  • 脑瘫
  • 帕金森病
  • 亨廷顿氏病
  • Wilson’s disease
  • tuberculosis
  • brain injury
  • 中风
  • 脑肿瘤
  • brain injury during birth
  • 一氧化碳中毒
  • heavy metal poisoning

Other Causes

Other factors known or believed to cause uncontrolled muscle movement include:

  • side effects or reactions to certain antipsychotic
  • 在组织和器官中缺氧
  • inherited genes or genetic changes
  • disrupted communication between nerve cells in your

In many cases, dystonia is an ongoing symptom that may remain stable over time. You should see your doctor if:

  • there’s no clear explanation for your dystonia
  • your symptoms become worse over time
  • you’re experiencing other symptoms in addition
    to dystonia

Before Your Doctor’s Visit

It may be helpful to take a few notes about your symptoms, including:

  • 当不受控制的运动开始时
  • if the movements are constant
  • if the movements get worse at certain times



Your doctor will likely take a thorough health history and perform a detailed physical exam. They will focus on your muscle and nerve function. They’ll note your:

  • medication history
  • recent illnesses
  • 过去和最近的伤病
  • recent stressful events

Your doctor may ask you to see a neurologist to diagnose the underlying cause of your condition. Your doctor or specialist may perform tests to help make a diagnosis, including:

  • 血液或尿液测试
  • 计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描
  • 磁共振成像(MRI)
  • 电灰度(EMG)
  • 电脑图(EEG)
  • spinal tap
  • 基因研究

There is no cure for dystonia. However, certain medications can help manage your symptoms.


Botox injections into targeted muscle groups can help ease your muscle contractions. You must receive the injections every three months. Side effects include fatigue, dry mouth, and changes in your voice.

Oral Medications


Physical Therapy




  • 针灸:插入的古老练习
  • yoga: exercise that combines gentle stretching
  • biofeedback: electrical sensors that monitor
    your body functions and identify ways to control your muscle tension and blood

Severe dystonia can cause a number of complications, such as:

  • physical deformities, which may become permanent
  • 不同程度的身体残疾
  • abnormal positioning of your head
  • problems swallowing
  • 难以演讲
  • issues with jaw movement
  • 疼痛
  • fatigue

Even though there’s no cure for dystonia, there are treatment options to help you manage your symptoms. Speak with your doctor about your risk of developing complications. You may have to try a few treatments, but there are steps you can take to start managing your dystonia.