What is gait training?

Gait training is a type of physical therapy. It can help improve your ability to stand and walk. Your doctor may recommend gait training if you’ve had an illness or injury that affects your ability to get around. It may help you gain independence in walking, even if you need an adaptive device.


  • strengthen your muscles and joints
  • 改善您的平衡和姿势
  • build your endurance
  • develop your muscle memory
  • 重新训练双腿以进行重复运动
  • 降低跌倒的风险,同时增加流动性

It may also lower your risk of other illnesses, such as heart disease and osteoporosis, by increasing your physical activity and mobility. Choosing gait training over immobility may help protect and improve your overall health.

Your doctor may recommend gait training if you’ve lost your ability to walk due to an injury, illness, or other health condition. For example, the following conditions can lead to difficulties with walking:

  • 脊髓损伤
  • broken legs or pelvis
  • 关节伤害或替代者
  • 下肢截肢
  • strokes or neurological disorders
  • muscular dystrophy or other musculoskeletal disorders

Children who require gait therapy often have brain injuries, neurological disorders, or musculoskeletal issues. Their doctors may recommend gait therapy before or after they start walking.


Once you’re healthy enough to start gait training, the process is similar to other physical therapies. It often involves machines that help you walk safely. Your therapist may also assist you in gait training exercises. They can help support your bodyweight, provide stability, and offer other assistance.

Gait training commonly involves walking on a treadmill and completing muscle strengthening activities. You may wear a harness while walking on the treadmill or doing other exercises. Your therapist may also ask you to practice stepping over objects, lifting your legs, sitting down, standing up, or other activities.

类型、强度和持续时间的培训will depend on your specific diagnosis and physical abilities.

Gait training can be hard work. If you’ve been immobile for a while, the process of walking or relearning to walk may be physically and mentally challenging. Talk to your doctor or physical therapist about any challenges you’re having. Ask them about your specific condition, gait training plan, and long-term outlook.