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However, eye injections can be a necessary part of eye care. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss in older adults. As it progresses, it can develop into wet AMD, which a doctor may treat with a series of painless injections.


  • retinal vein occlusion
  • swelling of the retina (macular edema)
  • diabetic retinopathy



According to a2020研究有102人,年轻和女性的参与者比其他人经历了更多的焦虑。



Bring a friend to the appointment

A friend or family member may help put you at ease. They can provide emotional support prior to and following the injection. They can also drive you home following the appointment.

Try cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychological treatment. Therapists use it to help change your thinking and behavioral patterns,including helpingyou face your fears.

A2021案例研究showed that CBT can effectively help a person living with an extreme phobia of eye injections return for treatments.

Consider anxiety medication

If your anxiety is difficult to manage, you may want to talk with your doctor about taking anxiety medication leading up to your injection.

In a2021案例研究, researchers found that a combination of medication and CBT worked well in reducing patients’ extreme phobia of injections. They recommended that doctors refer patients with early signs of anxiety to a psychiatrist.



  • getting regular exercise
  • eating a balanced diet
  • avoiding or limiting alcohol and smoking
  • getting consistent sleep for at least 8 hours a night

Practice relaxation techniques

You may find that taking time to focus on your breathing and relaxation can help relieve your nerves. Some common relaxation techniques include:

  • practicing meditation
  • 尝试瑜伽或其他形式的正念运动
  • listening to calming music


You can try to challenge your fear of the eye injection. Is it really going to be as bad as you think? If you had one before, did anything bad happen?

By challenging your fears and replacing them with positive thoughts, youmay be able to reduce您对眼睛注射的焦虑。

Other tips

Everyone is different, which means what works for you may not work for others.

You may find these other anxiety and stress-reducing tips helpful before and during your appointment:

  • 尝试慢慢计数到10。
  • 观看电影或电视节目,让您发笑,并可能会放弃注射。
  • Ask your doctor about playing calming music during the procedure.
  • Take deep breaths.
  • Volunteer, start a new hobby, or find other ways to get your mind off the upcoming appointment.
  • Learn more about the procedure before your appointment so that you know what to expect.

For some, knowing what will happen during an eye injection may help them feel a bit more at ease.

Here’s您可以期待什么during an eye injection:

  1. 医生或技术将首先清洁并对该区域进行消毒,就像在手臂注射之前一样。
  2. They will then use a very effective numbing agent on the eye.
  3. In some cases, they may use a small device to keep the eyelid out of the way during the injection.
  4. 医生将使用一根小针注入眼睛的白色部分。

The injection only takes a few seconds, and you likely won’t even see the needle.

The thought of eye injections makes many people nervous or uncomfortable. If you find that your anxiety is difficult to manage, you can follow the tips above.

It’s also good to remember that millions of people have undergone this quick and painless treatment and have benefitted from the injected medication.
