What is a double ear infection?



If your child has a fever, shows signs of an ear infection, and tugs on or rubs both ears, they may have a double ear infection. Responding quickly can usually resolve the problem within a few days.


Apart from more frequent and higher fevers, standard symptoms of a bilateral ear infection are like those of a unilateral ear infection.

症状of a double ear infection can include:

  • 最近的上呼吸道感染
  • fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or greater that lasts for 48 hours or more
  • 耳朵的排水或脓
  • 两只耳朵的拉扯,摩擦或疼痛
  • trouble sleeping
  • irritability and fussiness
  • 对喂养缺乏兴趣
  • 听力困难


耳朵感染病毒后通常发展起来per respiratory infection. The infection can cause inflammation and swelling of the Eustachian tubes. These thin tubes run from the ears to behind the nose at the upper part of the throat. They help maintain healthy pressure in the ears.

When the tubes become swollen and blocked, fluid can build up behind the eardrum. Bacteria can grow quickly in this fluid, causing infection and inflammation of the middle ear. Children are more prone to ear infections because their Eustachian tubes are less vertical than those of adults.

In many cases, hearing is affected only temporarily and returns when the infection goes away and the fluid clears. Permanent hearing loss and long-term speech difficulties are the greatest concerns related to serious and ongoing ear infections. Children who get repeated ear infections or who go long periods with untreated ear infections may experience some hearing loss. Hearing loss often impedes speech development.

In more serious cases, the eardrum may be damaged. A torn eardrum may repair itself within a few days. Other times, it may require手术.

Like any infection, a double ear infection can spread to other parts of the body. The part that is most in danger is the mastoid, which is the part of the skull bone behind the ear. Infection of this bone, calledmastoiditis, causes:

  • ear pain
  • 耳朵后面的发红和痛苦
  • fever
  • a sticking out of the ear


  • injury to the skull bone
  • more serious infections
  • 大脑和循环系统的严重并发症
  • permanent hearing loss

If you suspect a double ear infection, seek medical attention right away. The pain and discomfort of a double ear infection can be worse than having a single ear infection. You should also seek immediate medical attention if your child appears to have severe pain or if they have pus or discharge from one or both ears.

If your baby is 6 months or younger, call their pediatrician as soon as you notice symptoms of an ear infection.

In older children, see a doctor if symptoms last for a day or two without improvement. This is especially true if your child has a fever.

The doctor will review your child’s medical history and symptoms. Then, they’ll use an otoscope to look inside both ears. An otoscope is a lighted device with a magnifying lens that allows the doctor to take a closer look at the inside of the ear. An eardrum that is red, swollen, and bulging indicates an ear infection.





对于复发性双耳或单耳感染的儿童,很小ear tubescan be placed in the ear to help improve drainage. A child with improperly formed or immature Eustachian tubes may require ear tubes for several months or longer to decrease ear infections.

With proper treatment, your child’s infection should heal. A double ear infection may begin to clear up within a few days of beginning treatment. Still, your child should take the full course of antibiotics, which may be a week or 10 days.




Studies 发现长时间的就寝时间或用瓶子喂食可能:

  • aggravate a child’s respiratory system
  • 增加耳朵感染,鼻窦感染和咳嗽
  • increase acid reflux from the stomach

Instead, allow your child to finish feeding before putting them down to sleep.