What is an ear tube insertion?

一只耳朵插入锡管插入是当医生y tubes, known as tympanostomy tubes or grommets, into the eardrum to reduce the occurrence of ear infections and allow drainage of excess fluids. The procedure is very common and poses minimal risks. An ear tube insertion is more common for children, who tend to suffer ear infections more often than adults.

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, ear tube insertion is the most common childhood surgery performed with anesthesia. The procedure is usually performed because of bacteria that travel from the nasal cavity into the ear during a cold or other respiratory ailment. This influx of bacteria stimulates inflammation and causes a fluid buildup behind the eardrum.


耳朵感染往往会随着时间的推移而消失,但抗生素也可以有效地对待它们。然而,有时候,一个人会经历recurrent ear infectionsand fluid buildup, or have an ear infection that won’t heal for months. These issues can cause problems that may lead to听力损失儿童行为问题和言语发展延误。

Individuals who suffer from severe ear infections that spread to nearby tissues and bones, or experience a pressure injury from flying or deep sea diving may also require an ear tube insertion.


  • Reduce pressure.耳朵感染和液体堆积增加耳内的压力,这是导致疼痛的原因。耳管允许空气进入耳朵,均衡内耳和外界之间的压力。这缓解了疼痛,有助于防止中耳中的液体积聚。
  • 排水液。Ear tubes allow pus and mucus buildup from ear infections to drain out of the ear without causing pain or increasing the risk of related complications.
  • 准备耳朵进行治疗液滴。管也使耳朵中的抗生素滴剂更容易治疗感染。管子用作通道,允许直接进入耳朵的滴。因为它们使抗生素液滴更容易使用,因此管可以消除对口服抗生素治疗的需求。



  • 做一个切口。外科医生用小的手术刀或激光在耳膜中产生微小的切口。如果单独左侧,此切口将在几天内关闭和愈合。
  • 去除液体。使用微小的真空,外科医生吸取从中耳的任何多余的流体,清理该区域。这被称为中耳的愿望。您的医生将确定是否需要此步骤。
  • Inserts the tube.允许空气进入耳朵并排出流体,外科医生将小管插入切口制成的孔中。外科医生可以放置短期管,这较小,在耳朵上留在耳朵上6至12个月,然后在其自身或长期管中掉落,或长期管,通常保持更长的时间。

Ear tube insertion is a common and safe procedure. On rare occasions, however, complications may occur. Check with your doctor if you:

  • experience a发热102华氏度或更高
  • notice green, pus-like drainage coming out of your ear for more than a week
  • 经验持续疼痛或连续出血(手术后第一天出血)

After the surgery, patients typically stay in the recovery room for a short time and leave the hospital on the same day. To reduce your chances of infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics or eardrops, and you may use over-the-counter pain relievers for any discomfort.



The good news is that after surgery, most people experience far fewer ear infections and recover faster from any infections they do get. They also sleep more soundly, hear better, and feel better in general.