
Anterograde amnesia refers to a decreased ability to retain new information. This can affect your daily activities. It may also interfere with work and social activities because you might have challenges creating new memories.

顺行健忘症是健忘症。In such cases, the amnesia (memory loss) has already occurred. It’s caused by damage to memory-making parts of your brain. In some cases amnesia may be temporary, but in other cases it may be permanent. Some types of therapies can help you cope with this type of memory loss.

Proactive, anterograde, and retrograde amnesia

Anterograde amnesia, according to theMayo Clinic,是健忘症的两个主要特征之一。具有此功能的人很难根据遇到的经验和信息来创造新的回忆。

The other feature is called retrograde amnesia. This refers to the inability to remember events and people from your past. It can also cause you to forget well-established daily information, such as what time you go to work.

Proactive amnesia is another term that refers to anterograde amnesia.

Amnesia is sometimes confused with失智。The latter is a degenerative disease that affects your memory and information about yourself. However, dementia also leads to brain damage that can lead to more cognitive challenges. Such challenges affect everyday functions, such as work and playing sports.



  • someone they’ve recently met
  • 一个新电话号码
  • a recent meal
  • 名字的名字
  • newly made changes to a routine, such as school or job changes


2010年发表的一项研究 Neuropsychology found that 7 out of 10 patients with anterograde amnesia were capable of temporarily retaining new information. However, a phenomenon called “retroactive interference” occurred. This is when new information interferes with the previously memorized information. For example, you might remember a number, but learn a new number shortly after, which cancels out the original information.





  • 维生素B1补充剂, in case of a deficiency
  • occupational therapy
  • memory training
  • 技术帮助,例如提醒应用程序


Your risk for developing any form of amnesia may increase if you’ve had one or more of the following:


Amnesia may be permanent, according to theMayo Clinic。这意味着随着时间的流逝,顺行健忘症的症状可能会恶化。但是,即使脑部受伤,症状也可以改善或保持不变。

Some cases of amnesia are temporary. Known as transient global amnesia, temporary memory loss may improve after an injury or illness. However, anterograde amnesia is most often associated with permanent memory loss.
