

Black men also present with more advanced disease and higher prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, which indicate the presence of prostate cancer. This means Black men, among other historically marginalized groups, are inadequately represented in prostate cancer clinical trials, despite having increased risks.

虽然没有明确的原因,这些更高的怒mbers, several factors can affect cancer risk, including culture, religion, and socioeconomic status.

Racial disparities in prostate cancer clinical trials can contribute to disparate outcomes for men diagnosed with the disease.


在2022年, 美国癌症学会 估计将有大约268,490例前列腺癌和约34,500人死亡。



然而 美国癌症学会 notes more than 3.1 million men in the United States who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer are still alive, meaning that prostate cancer can be treated.

That’s why diverse prostate cancer clinical trials are so important and can help improve outcomes in years to come.

A clinical trial is a research study that uses experiments or observations in human participants to evaluate effects on health outcomes. This can include studies on new therapies, vaccines, surgeries, or diagnostic tests.


Diverse clinical trials matter. They help medical professionals and researchers better define the impact of therapy, quality of life, and how biomarkers impact different patient populations.

Since the majority of participants in clinical trials for prostate cancer are non-Hispanic white men, there is little opportunity to study direct effects on People of Color.

In addition to the risk Black men face, Puerto Rican men also see a 60 percent increased incidence of prostate cancer and 44 percent higher rate of death when compared with non-Hispanic white men, reports a2012年研究


There’s an even greater disparity for Hispanic or Latino men, who make up less than 2 percent of prostate cancer clinical trial participants.


These results enable factors like cultural tradition, common history, religion, and socioeconomic factors and their influence on the development of prostate cancer to be studied.

In addition, diverse clinical trials can help researchers identify issues related to preventive screenings access — or lack thereof — as well as a person’s ability to seek treatment.





A lack of resources, like limitations of translator services for men who speak a language other than English, can contribute to decreased recruitment of participants from marginalized groups. Systemic and institutional barriers can also reduce access to enrollment, as can lack of healthcare insurance.

While some of these factors ultimately depend on larger systemic changes, there are some steps people can take to help diversify prostate cancer clinical trials. These include:

  • 优先考虑订婚和外展
  • 注册临床试验

Collecting and researching this information can help medical experts better understand what causes prostate cancer, how to stop or slow its progression, and how to provide care that allows men of all racial groups to experience the best quality of life.

As we continue to address prostate cancer risks and death rates, diverse clinical trials can go a long way in facilitating better outcomes for all men, regardless of racial or ethnic background.