在我们的一生中,我们有两套牙齿。这些是主要的(baby) teeth and成人teeth. People typically have 20 primary teeth and 32 adult teeth.

It’s also possible to have an extra, orsupernumerary, tooth. The most common type of extra tooth is called a mesiodens.


中碘是罕见的。尽管其流行率可能因位置和社区而异,但据估计会影响 0.15 and 1.9 percent 一般人口。在男性中,这也比女性更普遍。


中碘,牙齿,牙齿,牙齿,牙医,牙科 Share on Pinterest
中碘,也称为超级牙齿。Varun Pratap Singh,Amita Sharma,Sonam Sharma,通过Wikimedia Commons。

The exact cause of mesiodens is still unknown. It’s possible that genetics, environmental factors, and changes during dental development may all play a role.


  • 唇裂
  • 加德纳综合症, a rare genetic disorder that causes growths to appear on various parts of the body
  • 克氏颅不良, a rare genetic condition that leads to unusual development of the bones and teeth
  • orofaciodigital syndrome, a rare genetic condition that impacts the development of the mouth and teeth as well as facial features, fingers, and toes

It’s also possible for multiple mesiodens to appear, although this is less common. When this happens, it’s called mesiodentes.


Interference with other teeth

One of the main complications of mesiodens is interference with surrounding teeth. This can happen in a variety of different ways, including:

  • delayed eruption of surrounding teeth
  • 周围牙齿的位移
  • 中等区域的拥挤增加
  • misalignment of teeth (malocclusion) or problems with bite
  • formation of adiastema,或空间,在您的两个前牙之间
  • dilaceration of surrounding teeth, which is where the root or crown of a tooth has an abnormal bend
  • root吸收周围的牙齿,这是牙齿的根结构溶解的地方

Interference of a mesiodens with surrounding teeth can lead to the necessity of future dental or orthodontic treatments. That’s why it’s important to identify and treat a mesiodens as early as possible.

Cyst formation

A cyst is a sac of fluid that forms in the body. When a mesiodens remains un-erupted (受影响), it can lead to the formation of a type of cyst called adentigerous cyst

Generally speaking, a small dentigerous cyst won’t cause symptoms. However, if the cyst begins to get larger, it may cause problems like swelling or displacement of surrounding teeth.

Eruption in the nasal cavity


When a mesiodens erupts in the nasal cavity, it can cause several problems. These can include pain, swelling, and nasal obstruction.

Mesiodens are typically found during early childhood. In fact, they’re often detected during routinedental examinationsandX-rays

Mesiodens are typically associated with adult teeth instead of baby teeth. As such, they may often, but not always, be observed around the time that these teeth are进来。最早可以开始age 6

A mesiodens that’s erupted into the mouth can be detected by a dentist during a dental examination. You may even notice it on your own, prompting a visit to the dentist.

但是,关于79%至91%of mesiodens remain impacted. Some signs that an impacted mesiodens may be present include crowding, misalignment of teeth, and delayed eruption of surrounding teeth.



During an extraction, your dentist will carefully remove the mesiodens. There are two types of extraction:

  • 简单的。In a simple extraction, a tooth is removed without any incisions. The dentist will typically use a tool to grip the tooth and loosen it. This type of procedure can often be carried out at your dentist’s office.
  • 外科。在更复杂的情况下,例如受影响的牙齿,需要手术提取。这是由口腔外科医生完成的,将涉及切口和针迹。由于大多数中碘受到影响,因此可能需要通过外科手术去除它们。

Generally speaking, extraction is carried out shortly after diagnosis rather than waiting until a child is older. This is to prevent the mesiodens from causing future complications with surrounding teeth.


Because of this, your dentist will continue to carefully monitor your teeth following the extraction of a mesiodens. This is to make sure that other surrounding adult teeth come in properly.

对于有中等的人来说,这也不少见orthodontictreatment following extraction. This is typically to correct alignment, positioning, or spacing of the surrounding teeth.

The cost of an extraction can vary and is highly dependent on your location. According to theConsumer Guide to Dentistry,平均成本可能从130美元到400美元不等。

A simple extraction of a tooth that’s already erupted can cost between $100 to $250. Surgical extraction of teeth that are still impacted costs more, between $180 and $400, but deeply embedded teeth may drive the cost up to $600 or higher.

Many dental insurance plans will cover an extraction if it’s considered to be medically necessary. Contact your dental insurance provider prior to an extraction to get an idea of how much you may be responsible for paying.

Most of the time, mesiodens are detected and treated during childhood. However, it may be possible that a mesiodens remains diagnosed or untreated into adulthood.

If you can’t see the mesiodens in your mouth, you may be able to identify it if your front teeth have:

  • grown in at an abnormal angle or position
  • 他们之间的明显差距
  • misalignment
  • crowding
  • 根本不成长

If you suspect that you may have a mesiodens, make an appointment with a dentist. They can perform a dental examination and X-rays to help determine whether a mesiodens is present.

Because mesiodens are typically diagnosed and treated at an earlier age, it’s possible that you may need more extensive dental or orthodontic procedures to help correct any dental issues that have occurred due to a mesiodens.



Mesiodens is typically treated using an extraction shortly after diagnosis. It’s possible that additional dental or orthodontic treatments may be needed after mesiodens removal.

See a dentist if you believe that you or your child has a mesiodens. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can help to prevent future dental complications.