一个在个人资料中看到的女人。 在Pinterest上分享
TJ Macke/Stocksy United,照片,认真,盖蒂,个人资料,高加索人,女性,肖像,照片,年龄20-30,抑郁,悲伤,斯托克斯
  • Prolonged grief disorder was added to a key manual used by mental health experts that includes standards for assessing and diagnosing mental health conditions.
  • 对该疾病的正式认可将有助于适当地偿还医疗专业人员以提供医疗服务。
  • 它还将帮助研究人员获得资金来研究这种情况。


The condition occurs when someone experiences extensive and intense feelings of grief after losing a loved one.




“由于我们中的许多人生活在一个以诊断为中心的社会中,因此增加悲伤将使那些经历它的人在情绪中感到更加认可。它将帮助治疗师和精神卫生专业人员,因为在与悲伤有关的经历上可以更轻松地验证保险索赔。”Kassondra Glenn,LMSW,一名有执照的心理治疗师和顾问繁荣避风港治疗中心

Grief is a common, normal human emotion, and a natural reaction to loss.

Grief affects everyone differently, saidChristina Nolan, LSCW-R, a psychotherapist in New York City who specializes in working with adults experiencing depression, anxiety, and difficult life transitions.

“It may be difficult to concentrate, perform normal activities, or sleep may be impaired. There may also be intense waves of different emotions, or feeling intensely overwhelmed,” she said.

Grief typically resolves within 6 to 12 months, but some people may continue to experience the symptoms of grief and develop prolonged grief disorder.


一种ccording to the APA,长期悲伤障碍的症状包括情绪麻木,激烈的情绪痛苦和孤独感,身份破坏以及对人死亡的怀疑。

“Grief can completely derail functioning. It is not linear and often shows up in unexpected ways,” Glenn said.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a tremendous toll with an estimated970,000 people dead仅在美国仅在美国的Covid-19。

一种 学习 from 2021 estimated that 120,630 children in the United States lost a primary caregiver to COVID-19. That figure is now believed to be超过200,000


In addition, social isolation broke down people’s support networks and triggered feelings of loneliness.



“This would, in theory, allow people continuing to struggle with grief to receive treatment for it when otherwise they would not have been able to,” Nolan said.

The addition to the DSM-5 is also expected to help researchers access funding to research the causes, risk factors, and treatment methods for prolonged grief disorder.

Glenn thinks the addition could help people experiencing grief, an already complicated and unpredictable emotion, feel more validated in their emotions.

“It will allow people to have more accurate language around their grief, and perhaps allow grief to become a more acceptable [and] integrated experience in society,” Glenn said.

