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Research finds that incorporating sexual pleasure into sex education health programs plays a vital role in teaching young people sex positivity. Westend61/Getty Images
  • 研究人员发现,包括享乐作为性教育的一部分,可以使人们更有可能从事更安全的性行为。
  • The organization, The Pleasure Project, advocates for “putting the sexy into safer sex.”
  • 专家说,父母在教年轻人的性积极性方面也发挥着至关重要的作用。
  • An open acknowledgement that sex feels good allows young people to learn how to experience sex in a safer and pleasurable way.

性教育往往侧重于t的一切hat can go wrong in sex, like unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

However, researchers say that sex ed may be more effective when sexual pleasure is also a part of these conversations.

According to the authors of a new study 在《杂志》一书中,当教育者承认享受通常是性的主要目标时,它有助于改善人们对性的知识和态度。

Their research also indicates that it leads to safer sex practices and improves compliance with condom use.



The majority of the studies included in their analysis were from the United States. However, studies from countries around the globe, including Brazil, Spain, South Africa, the UK, Nigeria, Mexico, and Singapore were also included.



The authors concluded their report by recommending that sexual health programs revisit their approaches if they’re not already including sexual pleasure in their educational efforts, stating that they will have more effective programs when done with a性阳性方法.

The study was released just prior to Valentine’s Day by the World Health Organization (WHO) and娱乐项目, an advocacy organization described by study author and founder安妮·菲尔波特as “putting the sexy into safer sex.”


There is also stigma and taboo surrounding sexual behaviors and the reasons people engage in them.

In addition, there are gender norms that make it taboo for women, LGBTQIA+, or other marginalized groups to be able to express what they might want or to express their sexual identities.


“We promote sexual health and agency through an emphasis on ‘good sex’ and by focusing on one of the primary reasons people have sex — the pursuit of pleasure — and by acknowledging diverse desires and means of satisfaction,” she said.


Jennifer M. Grossman,博士,高级研究科学家韦尔斯利妇女中心谁领导它Family, Sexuality, and Communication Research Initiative, said that parents often fear talking with their children about the positive aspects of sex, worrying that they’ll encourage behaviors that may lead to unintended pregnancies or STIs.


“It’s important to talk about sexual pleasure, especially with adolescents and young adults, because these are developmental periods when people form lasting ideas about sex and relationships, which carry over into adulthood,”said Grossman.



Sara C.花计划生育联合会教育和培训副总裁DRPH说:“重要的是要知道,您不必为了实践更安全的性行为而牺牲有趣,令人愉悦的性经历。”

“Actually, practicing safer sex helps you be more relaxed during sex since you can worry less about STIs or unintended pregnancy,” she said.

Flowers noted that rather than taking away from your fun, condoms can actually increase pleasure for both partners. They come in lots of different styles, shapes, and textures.



“Asking for consent doesn’t have to be hard or awkward. In fact, telling someone what you want and asking what they want can be sexy,” she said.

“It also makes doing sexy stuff less awkward and less confusing because when there’s clear consent, you know for sure that the person you’re with wants the same thing you do,” she added.