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But far more than unabashed nudity, rowdy threesomes, and regular STI testing, sex positivity isa way of being这用自由取代了羞耻和愉悦和审判。


Most broadly, sex positivity says that sex can be a positive thing in a person’s life.

More than just that, though, says Texas-based sex educatorGoody Howard, sex positivity is the idea that people should have space to embody, explore, and learn about their性欲and性别没有判断或羞耻。

“只要有同意,它涉及对性和性别表达的多样性的无判断和尊重。”Aida Manduley, LCSW, adding that sex positivity promotes a specific set of actions.

Above all else, sex positivity valuesconsent,沟通,教育,使人们能够对自己的身体做出明智的选择和乐趣。

You betcha.

In fact, it’s a safe bet that unless you’re积极working to become sex-positive, you’re sex-negative.



“Sex negativity is telling girls to put on more clothes even on the hottest day before they leave the house,” Howard says. “It’s admonishing parents for breastfeeding in public even though that’s what breasts were made for.”

其他例子的年代ex negativity include:

  • 对性工作者,跨性别女性和女性的暴力行为
  • 只教授关于生殖性别的只有禁欲的性教育和性教育
  • purity pacts
  • Instagram shadow-banning sex educators
  • slut-shaming and victim-blaming
  • the “good girl” versus “bad girl” trope


Sex negativity assumes that human sexuality is inherently:

  • 肮脏的
  • dangerous
  • disgusting
  • 不自然
  • 无法控制
  • harmful
  • risky

心理分析家威廉·赖希(Wilhelm Reich实际上一件好事。


Recently, circulation of the term has ramped up again as the current Trump administration has increasingly attacked the rights of sex workers and queer and trans people — and especially the rights of Black, Indigenous, and other people of color.

Sex positivity’s Whole Thing™ is removing shame and judgment from sex, sexuality, and sensuality.

“Being controlled by shame and judgment is a miserable experience — it inhibits your pleasure, worsens your mental health, and interferes your life,” saysErica Smith, M.Ed, a sex educator based in Philadelphia and creator of纯度文化辍学程序, which works with people who were raised with evangelical beliefs about sexuality.

Because sex and sexuality are such vast concepts that intertwine with all areas of our lives, Manduley says, “Becoming sex-positive can be a tremendous source of health, celebration, nurturance, healing, and well-being.”

In other words, the point is that it can drastically improve your entire life.

Nope. “You don’t have to have sex to be sex-positive,” Smith says.

“But youdo只要涉及同意,就必须真正相信其他人可以与他们想要的任何人进行性爱。”她解释说。


  • 耐心
  • time
  • commitment
  • bravery

It’s hard work! But it’s work worth doing.

“It requires an ongoing dedication to becoming increasingly inclusive and aware,” Manduley says. “It requires a commitment to practicing anti-oppressive philosophies and practices.”



她说,同样,如果您发现自己在评判某人多态, ask yourself: Why does that make me uncomfortable? What steps do I need to take to stop feeling that way?


把手放下,@sexpositive_families是那里最好的性阳性资源之一。它是由梅利莎·皮特尔(Melissa Pintor)Carnagey于2017年6月创建的,梅利莎·皮特(Melissa Pintor)是一名黑人和拉丁人的性教育者,并在德克萨斯州奥斯汀获得了许可的社会工作者。

“什么是强大的@sexpositive_familiesis that it gives you the tools to check your sex-negative behavior so that you don’t pass those messages to your kids,” Howard says.




加布里埃尔·卡塞尔(Gabrielle Kassel)is a New York-based sex and wellness writer and CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. She’s become a morning person, tested over 200 vibrators, and eaten, drunk, and brushed with charcoal — all in the name of journalism. In her free time, she can be found reading self-help books and romance novels, bench-pressing, or pole dancing. Follow her onInstagram