  • The debate over changing our clocks every spring and fall crops up twice a year.
  • 有些人主张,由于健康问题及其不便,美国会摆脱日光节省的时间切换。
  • Experts interviewed by Healthline state the standard time we use in the fall and winter is the better time to keep if we do go to a permanent time.


It’s been spoofed in aYouTube剪辑而且,更认真地九个州in the past 3 years have approved legislation to end the daylight saving time practice, a federal law that Congress would have to change.

So, if we do get rid of the law — what time should we settle on?


“No one wants to change their clocks back and forth. We can all agree on that,”内特·沃森博士华盛顿大学医学院的神经病学教授和学校睡眠中心的联合导演告诉Healthline。雷竞技app官网


“Daylight saving time (DST) is a vestige, something promoted by consumer elements in our society that want us out in daylight and spending money,” he said. “It’s not for our health and welfare.”

There are a number of health issues to consider.

学习have linked an increase in car accidents, heart attacks, depressive symptoms, and other dangers.


“I used to think ‘it’s only an hour, like traveling from Chicago to New York,’”Dr. Beth A. Malow, a professor of neurology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, told Healthline.

But once she started studying it more, Malow realized she was wrong.





最近的研究 reported that atrial fibrillation admissions to medical facilities increased following the “spring forward” transition, particularly in women.

Jay Chudow博士这项研究的主要作者,是纽约蒙特菲奥尔爱因斯坦心脏与血管护理中心的心脏病学研究员。


Chudow says he wouldn’t speculate on when a permanent time should rest, saying more research is needed.

But his study did focus on the springtime change.



“It did not go well,” he said.



企业家斯科特·耶茨(Scott Yates)的任务是为挽救日光的结束而战。

He’s testified at hearings and speaks often in the press as he continually studies the issue. Why?

“Nobody else was doing it and someone has to,” he told Healthline. “It’s a legitimate public policy health issue now, with real numbers behind it.”

He’s started an advocacy program called锁定时钟


