Researchers examined two dozen past studies and concluded HPV vaccines can help prevent cervical cancer without producing any serious side effects.

Researchers say there’s no doubt.

HPV.vaccines successfully prevent women from developing the abnormal cells that can lead to cervical cancer.

In addition, the inoculation doesn’t cause serious side effects.


It’s a frustration for public health officials, especially after the release ofa new summarythat looked at more than two dozen studies involving the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine.


HPV.,或人乳头瘤病毒是the most common世界性传播感染。



Most HPV infections are harmless and many people who have it don’t even know they’re infected.

但在某些人中,病毒可以发展成癌症。特别地,已知菌株HPV16和HPV18导致女性中70%的宫颈癌和癌前宫颈病变,据 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)

Therefore, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends 这位11岁的孩子和12岁的孩子得到了两剂的HPV疫苗。

Currently, theHPV.vaccines批准食品和药物管理局(FDA)是Gardasil,Gardasil 9和Cervarix。

The team from Cochrane, led by Dr. Marc Arbyn, coordinator of the Unit of Cancer Epidemiology at the Sciensano Institute in Belgium, examined the findings of 26 studies of the HPV vaccine.

This research spanned 8 years and comprised more than 73,000 women living on all continents.

The studies were randomized, with some women having the HPV vaccine and others having a placebo.

研究了两种类型的HPV疫苗:一种地址HPV 16和HPV 18的HPV疫苗,另一类用于解决HPV 16和HPV 18以及导致生殖器疣的两个菌株。


The studies primarily focused on women younger than 26, although three studies included women up to age 45.

Researchers studying HPV vaccines zero in on the growth of abnormal cervical cells (called “precancer”) because cancer itself can take years to develop.




According to the report, the researchers “found that in young women who did not carry HPV, vaccination reduced the risk of developing precancer. About 164 per 10,000 women who got placebo and 2 per 10,000 women who got the vaccine went on to develop cervical precancer.”


在15至26岁的女性中,疫苗降低了与HPV16 / 18相关的宫颈癌的风险从341〜157.10万。

HPV.vaccination also reduced the risk for any precancer lesions from 559 to 391 per 10,000, according to the summary report.

“The evidence shows that HPV vaccination is very effective at reducing HPV 16/18 infections and that it significantly reduces the risk of developing high grade cin [异常细胞的开发] caused by HPV 16/18 or any high grade CIN,” wrote Dr. Jo Morrison, a consultant gynecological oncologist at the Somerset Gynecological Cancer Center in the United Kingdom and a coordinating editor for Cochrane’s gynecological, neuro-oncology and orphan cancer review group, in an email to Healthline.

“Although we don’t yet have data about cervical cancer rates (because it takes many years to develop after an infection), based on the evidence available to date, it is very likely that the rate will be reduced, since we have a good understanding of the natural history of CIN and cervical cancer,” she continued.

There are more than 100 strains of HPV and 40 of those strains can spread through sexual contact, affecting the penis, vagina, or rectum, as well asthe mouth和喉咙,据Planned Parenthood.



在美国,宫颈癌预计今年将杀死4,170名妇女 American Cancer Society

这使得它相对罕见的癌症(to breast cancer and lung cancer, the two most common cancers) for U.S. women, according to the National Institutes of Health’s National Cancer Institute

然而,在发展中国家,宫颈癌是 second most common cancer


常见的副作用 HPV疫苗被认为是最小的。


The Cochrane report found that the HPV vaccines “[do] not appear to increase the risk of serious side effects.”

For both vaccinated and unvaccinated women, the increase in serious side effects was about 7 percent.

The report also found that studies did not show an increased risk of miscarriage in women who became pregnant after getting the vaccine.

2016年,CDC开始了 推荐 that 11-year-olds and 12- year-olds get vaccinated and that two doses of the vaccine be given 15岁之前。


However,可以接种疫苗的许多年轻人不是getting the inoculations.

CDC 分析 2015年,13岁的数据到17岁的人发现,63%的女孩和只有50%的男孩接受了至少一剂HPV疫苗。

Some parents areconcerned that vaccinatingtheir children against HPV will encourage their kids to engage in riskier sexual behavior, although experts say numerous studies have proven this not to be the case.

For example,2012年的研究in the journal Pediatrics examined 1,398 girls, ages 11 and 12. Three years later, researchers found that having the HPV vaccine was not associated with an increase in sexual activity.

Additionally, a 2015 study成立that getting the HPV vaccine does not lead to girls having a higher exposure to STIs.

The study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, looked at health insurance records for 21,610 girls ages 10 to 18 who received the HPV vaccine as well as 186,501 of girls of the same ages and in the same zip codes who were not vaccinated.

Researchers found that STI rates增加in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated girls one year after the vaccinations.

“担心HPV疫苗将鼓励性activity are simply unfounded,” said Nicole Cushman, MPH, executive director of Answer, a national organization based out of Rutgers University that provides sexuality education resources for young adults. “Parents want to keep their children safe and healthy, and getting the HPV vaccine — for both daughters and sons — is an important measure parents can take to protect their kids’ future health.”


“The most effective target population for the vaccine is young adolescents before they are exposed to HPV, which is why most countries offer it aged around 9 to 13 years [old],” Morrison said.

Australia has been提供the HPV vaccine free to 12-year-old and 13-year-old girls since 2007. Boys have received it as well since 2013.

Earlier this year, a bill was介绍在佛罗里达州的立法机构需要在孩子们参加公立学校之前需要HPV疫苗。

Pap smears throughout adulthood are another important screening tool in the prevention of cervical cancer. The American Cancer Society notes that most women 诊断出来 宫颈癌患者在35和44岁之间。

It is recommended that women between the age of 21 and 29 have a Pap smear every 3 years, and that women ages 29 to 65 have a Pap smear every 5 years.

Even women who have received the HPV vaccines should have Pap smears, according to the American Cancer Society