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A new vaccine from Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline is one of two being reviewed by federal regulators. Jeremy Moeller/Getty Images
  • Novavax已要求联邦监管机构进行新的Covid-19疫苗的紧急使用授权。
  • 同时,Sanofi和Glaxosmithkline要求对其Covid-19疫苗进行全面批准。
  • Both vaccines use older technology than the mRNA vaccines currently in use.
  • Experts say the new vaccines could help convince hesitant people to get vaccinated.
  • 他们还指出,由于不需要在极低的温度下存储,因此新的疫苗可以在全球范围内提供帮助。



Sanofi和Glaxosmithkline(GSK)开发的另一种新疫苗最近完成了3期临床试验,并且正在提交for full approval from the FDA.

Unlike the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, which use cutting-edgemRNA technology为了引起对冠状病毒感染的免疫反应,Novavax和Sanofi-GSK都是蛋白质辅助疫苗,并使用与流感疫苗相似的技术。

Rather than using genetic information to alert the immune system like an mRNA vaccine, Novavax and Sanofi-GSK tie a bit of harmless coronavirus spike protein to an adjuvant, an ingredient that alerts the immune system.

使用这种著名的疫苗技术可能会促使人们接种犹豫或反疫苗的人。Philip Felgner, PhD, director of the University of California at Irvine’s Vaccine Research and Development Center.

In the case of Novavax, the adjuvant is derived from tree bark.



自1950年代以来,辅助疫苗就已经存在,这也可以使“即使关心安全问题的人,即使mRNA疫苗非常安全,”Dr. Bob Bollinger,马里兰州约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院的传染病教授和Emocha Health的创始成员。


The fact that Novavax is applying for an EUA from the FDA may not satisfy some vaccine-hesitant people, but the new vaccine from Sanofi-GSK checks the boxes of being a non-mRNA vaccine and having gone through the full FDA approval process.

In February, Sanofi-GSKannouncedthey had completed phase 3 clinical trials on their vaccine and will be submitting it to FDA for approval.


In a statement, Sanofi-GSK said their research showed the vaccine was 100 percent effective against severe COVID-19 disease and hospitalization, 75 percent effective against moderate or severe COVID-19 disease, and nearly 58 percent effective against any symptomatic COVID-19 disease.


According to data from the美国人口普查局,对副作用的关注是未接种疫苗的美国成年人引用的主要原因。


Felgner said the new vaccines likely won’t address all concerns about the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Among other things, adjuvants are known to cause pain at the site of injection, which is the most common side effect associated with the COVID-19 shots.




“他们更容易生产,降低成本,和more easily transportable,” said Bollinger. “They’re really going to be useful in getting more of the world vaccinated, which is to everyone’s benefit.”