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But, tell that to type 1 diabetes (T1D). Planning a spa experience with T1D on board can raise your angst, for sure.

There are the concerns…如果我在治疗期间低下怎么办?我可以把手机留在我附近吗CGM读数?

And there are the old wives’ tales and myths that seem to ring in your ears…Pedicures can be dangerous! Sugar scrubs elevate your blood sugars! Body wraps are bad for diabetes!


Dr. Stephen Brewer, medical director of the famedCanyon Ranchin California, Massachusetts, Nevada, and Arizona told DiabetesMine they welcome people with T1D regularly, and are always ready to make things go well — as any good spa should be.


At Canyon Ranch and all reputable spots, “most practitioners have had training not just in treatments, but in medicine overall,” he said. That means you can expect most practitioners you interact with to have at least a basic knowledge of diabetes, one you can build on for any specific needs or adaptations you may require.

Cara Kilroy, a nurse practitioner at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, Massachusetts, who works closely with young adults and adults, said she advises clients regularly on how to spa well.


Julia Blanchette,博士学位,犹他大学护理学院的注册护士和认证的糖尿病护理和教育专家,自7岁起就一直拥有T1D,并且一直是水疗治疗爱好者。


DiabetesMine turned to these experts to gather tips on how to do a spa experience well. We also broke down some of the common myths around spa visits and treatments with T1D.

Pedicures are absolutely fine, with a caveat

在desti布兰切特定期得到足疗nation spas as well as at locations near her home that she knows and trusts. Her advice: “If you’ve had a period of time with your blood sugars out of range, or have a slow-healing cut, you may want to consider just a polish change until your blood sugars are more in range or cuts heal.”

Kilroy agrees.

“If you have神经病, a skin rash, or any kind of circulation disorder, that’s more of a red flag,” she said, “But that does not mean it cannot be done.”

Rather, it’s important to discuss those issues with your medical advisor and then share any special treatment plans with your practitioner on spa day, she said.

Go all in for massages, but be prepared


Kilroy agrees that massages can be beneficial to people with diabetes.



If you wear aninsulin pumpor CGM, let the spa management or your practitioner know that you will need to keep your phone within reach for medical reasons. If you have the option, you can also bring along your non-phone CGM receiver or a basic glucose monitor.

You may also want to ask your massage practitioner to avoid rubbing around the areas of your body where your CGM sensor or insulin infusion set are placed — particularly if they are using creams and oils. You’ll also want to explain any alarms that may go off during a treatment, Blanchette said.

Have a blood glucose plan

你想要你的饮食时间,体力活动, and insulin dosing in a way that reduces your risk of running very high or very low blood sugars during a spa treatment.

Much of this comes with practice, Blanchette said. For her, going into a massage having just eaten and with a blood sugar over 120 mg/dL works well. Discuss a plan with your medical provider and then tweak it with experience, she said.

She also suggests having an easily accessible source of rapid-acting glucose on hand should you need it while on the table. This should be easy if you have your purse or bag nearby in the treatment room, but some spas encourage clients to put their belongings in lockers, so be sure to bring a small stash of fast-acting sugar that you can keep within reach.

Know that you can call a timeout


But Brewer said practitioners really don’t mind pausing the clock for health emergencies.

“I don’t think there is a practitioner out there who isn’t going to stop and help you,” he said. “We care about [our clients].”


Kilroy says身体包裹can be great for relaxation, but people with diabetes do need to discuss it with their medical provider ahead of time, particularly if they have any circulation or neuropathy challenges.



In addition, it’s going to be difficult to reach for emergency glucose should you feel low during a body wrap. It’s very important to let your practitioner know about this risk and ask them to be ready to help in case you need that sugar pronto.







Kilroy from Joslin agrees. “Advocating for yourself is really important,” she said. “Whether it is to carry a device or for the firmness of a treatment or just something that feels off, speak up. Don’t’ feel shy. The aftermath of an infection or something else is way more serious than feeling awkward saying something on the spot.”

“Phones are taboo in a spa”

There’s more flexibility here than you might think.

布鲁尔说,在峡谷牧场,虽然他们不鼓励在水疗中心聊天,但他们确实会看到许多人携带手机,因为他们使用了Abbott Freestyle Libreas part of their spa visit program even for people without diabetes. “It’s not a problem here,” he said.





Not true, said Blanchette, who has regular Botox treatments for medical reasons. Her tip: Get them from someone you know and trust who hopefully has some medical background.

She gets hers from her long-time dentist, who both knows her diabetes from years of treatment, and has a medical background.

“Acupuncture with diabetes may cause infection”

Not so. Brewer, who is an expert at acupuncture, said it is perfectly safe for people with diabetes — just as safe as for the general population. He does suggest letting your practitioner know about your T1D before they start. That way, they can take extra precautions like using more alcohol during treatment.

Overall, the key to a great spa visit, be it a quick or an extended one, is preparation.



Blanchette agreed, saying: “It can be frustrating to have to take extra steps ahead of time. But when you have T1D, you’re used to that. And if it brings you a wonderful spa experience? Totally worth it.”